Tag Archives: yoga

Inspiration, breath and spirit.

“ the moving finger writes, and having writ moves on.” (Omar Khayam)

what if the darkness descends, the bombs fall –  it has been written
what if the weather destroys   – it has been written
what if the sicknesses come – it has been written
what if the humans survive – it has been written

what if what i know is true:  we do not die, our bodies are temporary bone houses for our soul and soul is the same as life force, spirit, breath. Inspiration.

what if i am a wise woman with a story to tell, a way of life to offer,  a way to be happy and make sense of the calamities.

what if our soul was one soul, that this one soul is experiencing itself in matter, that this one soul evolved the human mind in order to experience itself in matter.

what if this one soul is eternal and therefore outside of time.
What if soul, slowed down and materialised, is all earth beings.
Time – which is relative to earth beings, is a creation of the earth beings. For this one soul all time is now.

what if time is moebius circular always passing through areas of the same one stillness NOW,
what if that One Soul is all time, all space, all history, all herstory, experiencing itself as this,
that we are new iterations of one soul materialised, slowed down;
that matter is its material form and life is one spirit clothed in matter.

What if I knew this – then what?

What if i knew that I Am ever here?
what if i knew that I am who I am as part of ONE SOUL
(“it’s all you, but it’s not all about you”. Pateh Parsons)
what if i knew that in every era  I AM here, in every country I AM here, in every part of time space continuum – the rest of me is there in every country every era, every person.
What if i knew that we are one being, like my hands so different from my feet are one being.
What if I AM yoga, increasing awareness of connection between inner and outer, top and bottom, gross and immaterial?

What if, in doing yoga, i live my truth, and strengthen my awareness of this truth.
this knowing that all matter is information; that information is smeared on the walls of the black hole, that it is always and ever connected because it emerges from one starting point  – the cosmic egg of all potential – that which is unmaterialised.
We are held here in connection with earth by gravity and the constant interchange of particles.
what if there is sentience in all, and humans are sentience aware of itself.
Then yoga is good and full.

Ego and God co-arise. Ego ergo “God”.

Ego and God co-arise.

Western science cannot find consciousness /soul /spirit, because it tries to find something measurable.
Eastern science has the underlying vision that consciousness is primary. Consciousness is like the water in which the fish swims. Taken out of the water, it notices the lack. In death, when we are no longer conscious of ourselves as individual, we return to consciousness, which is the field out of which ego arises.

I believe, in death,  we become consciousness,  that out of which every”thing” arises. Thing and think co-arise.
“Do not stand by my grave and weep,
I am not there, i do not sleep.
I  am one with the sun on the houses,
I am the sneeze in the noses of mouses ..…

I attempt to feel THAT consciousness of oneness with everything as much as possible. This makes me a predominantly peaceful, kind, optimistic person.
I am aware of my huge ego here,  and  mountains of self unawareness. These get in the way and are often quite depressing, as I identify with my egolife and its feeling of absolute and utter uselessness. rather than with the consciousness which is in everything including me, including every little ant, every leaf, every life however brief, every eternal winking star whose light is hundreds of years old….they wink in and out as we do.

it is my human consciousness that sees and names these things. It is both miraculous and beautiful and stupid and blind.

I fight my own blindness in the words i write to others, instead of facing it down in myself and knowing how to ditch the goddamned western materialism which denies that which  creates life and love in my life, and offers instead depression and hopelessness, lack of vision and a ridiculous scenario of random assemblage of this beautiful planet, instead of grokking that it is autopoetic, self creating. It has no more idea of what is coming than we do cos we are the ones who think this kind of thought as it.

There is no separation, no spirit but life itself; no god but everything and therefore nothing. ( Nothing useful can be said about everything, other than that it is what is, and we humans name it.) All things are thinks, ideas in human minds, nets laid over  the great flow of atoms.

This writing  is for YOU, reader. My mind feels like it wants the world to get my reasoning, which I have created and absorbed from so many sources in the world. My mind loves to hear its reasoning being talked to you. I am – you are – we are consciousness evolving in the human. No separation you see.

Namaste. double halo

No More War

An End to War.

Arguments are Created by limited vision.

‘You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements – the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution – weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way they could get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.” ― Lawrence M. Krauss, A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing

The beginning of time is the beginning of wombmankind thinking about time. God used to be called Chronos, Time. Chronos ate his children until Rhea, his wife, ( her name has intonations of Rio – river, from Greek, Rheo – stream) saved one, Zeus. The first Olympian. Christianised to God in Paradise.

Greek legends are also humankind’s attempts to explain why and how we are here. Their legends look bad to literal minded Christianity  which sees the Greek  twinned forces as brother and sister. The Christianised human mind sees god or gods as human. Big mistake. Unless we see humans as god.

Quantum physics:
TIme is linear, a stream, a field. Matter is particulate within the stream. Particles and waves are different perspectives on the same moment. Movement – moment. Wave and Particle. Sine wave of potential events – the field, the percentage likelihood of unfolding of events, collapses into the materialised event we see. All other versions may exist in other universes – we will never see them and never know them because we are in this one that we create by our observation in every moment. Consciousness of this is paramount.

Consciousness Is:
Everything and being is conscious with its own level of consciousness. Wombmankind has potential to “grok”  ( intuitively comprehend) all consciousness – a state beyond words to convey. Basically bliss of experience without attachment to human interpretation.
Human consciousness is one incorporate being in many parts. most of which are asleep and fascinated, fascinating with human experience. Other consciousnesses e.g Squirrel consciousness are sub sets, a place where – as in a venn diagram ( wiki info below) – we are able to share some of squirrel consciousness and a lot we cannot. Consciousness is One; the human mind has enormous untapped potential to commune with animals and plants.

That bliss consciousness knows it is energy of Sun, matter of Earth and autopoetic ( self-organising) creative  pattern. This is a trinity.  That consciousness IS aware of itself through countless awarenesses. This consciousness is One. The stars – who died for us so to speak -are Jesus. We are Jesus – we who say this I AM. I AM i.e. totality awareness, the way , the truth, and the light.  Tao is the way, nature’s way. Nothing is wasted, everything has a part to play. Destruction is followed by creation in an endless cycle. The truth – sets us free. All our beliefs are limited stories to help explain that which fascinates some and is considered irrelevant by others. The light – sunlight, shines on all alike, without favor or prejudice, and creates life here with Earth. Energy, matter and Flow( water) . Wombmankind is consciousness becoming aware of itself. Homa sapiens sapientia. Integral wombmanity. Transgendered. Feminasculin. Persona universalis

We are one with our ecological niche which we are causing to evolve at a perilous rate. Consciousness finds this an exciting journey and discovers the future in every moment just as we do.

Predestination belongs to the past – as each moment happens it could happen no other way. Free will belongs to the present moment and that creates the ever unfolding future. We are gods. We are creative and creating.

Venn diagram info from Wiki

The drawing is missing. Imagine two intersecting circles, one orange, one blue with bluish orange in the intersection.

Sets A (creatures with two legs) and B (creatures that can fly)
This example involves two sets, A and B, represented here as coloured circles. The orange circle, set A, represents all living creatures that are two-legged. The blue circle, set B, represents the living creatures that can fly. Each separate type of creature can be imagined as a point somewhere in the diagram. Living creatures that both can fly and have two legs—for example, parrots—are then in both sets, so they correspond to points in the region where the blue and orange circles overlap. That region contains all such and only such living creatures.
Humans and penguins are bipedal, and so are then in the orange circle, but since they cannot fly they appear in the left part of the orange circle, where it does not overlap with the blue circle. Mosquitoes have six legs, and fly, so the point for mosquitoes is in the part of the blue circle that does not overlap with the orange one. Creatures that are not two-legged and cannot fly (for example, whales and spiders) would all be represented by points outside both circles.
The combined region of sets A and B is called the union of A and B, denoted by A ∪ B. The union in this case contains all living creatures that are either two-legged or that can fly (or both).
The region in both A and B, where the two sets overlap, is called the intersection of A and B, denoted by A ∩ B. For example, the intersection of the two sets is not empty, because there are points that represent creatures that are in both the orange and blue circles.


Yesterday i was  standing in the rain storm getting soaked at my back door, my arms up to the sky, feeling the rain run down my armpits, and feeling the archetype – woman in time of drought experiencing rain.
I turned my head sideways to let the rain go in my earhole, and turned it the other way to wash the other ear.

There was a lightning bolt and blast simultaneous in my ears and eyeballs. Electrified energy lines in red, black and yellow circumscribed an eye shape of burning white.  In stunned shock I saw the sky reassert itself greyblue.
If that aint supernatural power to which I bow and genuflect mentally I dunno what would be.

My second time of being not struck by lightning. Spared one might say if one was of a primitive mind set. My unstruck heart. My anahata. My fourth chakra love, heart, empowered by lightning because spared by lightning. Death dances with all of us.

I believe that when our culture is washed away and people find themselves surviving in nature again, humans will remember that it makes sense to feel one with nature, conscious of itself in us. I AM my experience of the lightning. I AM lightning ( in my own way).

We got the power to tell ourselves stories which empower ourselves. Oh blessed spiral. Inspiral, outspiral.  Everyman(/woman)  is always here. Everyman  the human. Same human who emerged out of the evolutionary family tree.
Same one who said “i am different from animal though i have an animal body and needs. I am aware of death. I die. I will memorialise me.” ( or others did it for the one)
To connect with Ancestral patterns, to connect myself with archetypes, gods goddesses, forces, stories, elves pixies, a whole world of imagination, is beautiful. My ancestral figures become archetypes, roles on the stage of My play.

I live in this knowing. I am always here. Individual ego is a variation on a theme. Archetypes recur throughout history. Currently I am both somewhat distasteful  mad prophet with wild hair  and Cassandra sanguine about the end I see coming for the people who pay no heed, and yours truly , MadLib

Image: “Transmission” 24 x 24 acrylic on canvas Elizabeth Mitchell.  $200.00
silk painting and studio experiences …

Universal Mind on a Breezy Day.

Today I found a snail sort of frozen like on the footpath – maybe it had just missed being stepped on or ridden over. Cold blew the breeze suggesting freeze up North. I picked Snail up and loved watching its two, four, six sets of eyes as it explored its world – it could pull feeler things back inside itself, the 3rd set doesn’t have perceptible eyes, sometimes just one of them sticks out to explore and, feeling my skin, pulls back like a new baby reaching its little leg out into the air and finding nothing familiar, contracting quickly.  i.e.My mind, you understand , not only projected into it , but also watching it :    it might expect it would feel the same as where its whole body was stuck to mine but the new little feeler was visible to me, in a way its body contact with my hand was not, so I guess it was discovering its unique identity and fearing the new, pulled back.

We humans, so lost in our unique identity by the time we are, well 6 yrs old, forget our unity with all. We identify with our own skin and not with the consciousness that is within every creature and every human. In my mind , that universal consciousness sees with my eyes and finds its oneness in me. Universal Consciousness is not bothered with human concerns, it experiences:  I Am  Snail waking up, I am my granddaughter learning to walk uneven ground and get on up after falling. I Am that Universal Consciousness  in a limited skin calling out for re-cognition here. To be known again, as first people know  – that we are one with it. Wankan tanka, Sacred Mystery.  Ra – Sun .

Will we co-operate or die off.?

At my age, I find many of us have given up on political agitation, as I have given up on local strivings, but the new people are undoing the work we did. An old friend was lamenting to me this morning in the park. Grass planting we put in to save the river bank, “they” want to tear out; “they” have already cut down a tree… We need to teach them what we did, so that they may implement their dreams ( floating dock etc) within the parameters of what we built. It is for all our future, the snails, the children, the old …. let the boat ramp be built where the shore is already hardened..I hurt so much when I realised what was going on and the old man telling me said they wont listen…
I say they just dont know, let ME come to the meeting , I’ll tell them!!!.

It makes me sad, and yet the incredible beauty of everyday, of the sky and the speaking clouds let me know I am so so so not alone. This is new age consciousness. It co-exists here, in my heart where I lay down the rage at dispossession and say to myself – do I not still possess eyes to see snail and river and clouds ? do I not still have skin to feel the cool breeze which speaks of the arctic so gently and the mid day sun which parches thirst? Am I not yet ALIVE. I am always here in my heart mind. I am heart mind of my world which includes thee, who read this rant. I thank you. This morning the fish were jumping, like Salmon going upriver, but just mullet jumping for joy or escape… Fish cannot express that same joy I feel at being alive? Both are true – for I Am my truth.

I guess we either think its too late and shrug or we do whatever we can to help raise awareness in the corridors of power. OR we comprehend how we are in this together. That survival belongs to those who value the common good more than questionable amounts of personal excess.

silk painting and studio experiences …


Jesus wept!!!!

A dissertation on life and consciousness, and an elaboration thereon.

The “I” that is causal of our Inner dimension,  i.e.  our interpretation of the sensory evidence – causes  “this magic moment” ,  in which I define what is. I experience every conscious moment of my life as “this magic moment” – a delightful celebration of being alive.

I am econiche and individual; idea and matter; pattern and energy awareness.This magic moment is ever occuring  when we realise our death, and that we are ALIVE.

Thanatos  means both “death” and “death fascination” .  We became human when we started to bury our dead. We never die because we are consciousness participating in the imaginative creative dimension. Elephants, dolphins and the rest of them are consciousness causal of its inner dimension. Just like me.
I sing hosannas to the unity of experience.
It is only the ego that dies. It was created when we began to bury individuals. Death and god are human notions. I am god, I do not die. My ego self dies – thank goodness.


My ego is causal of my inner dimension ie my interpretation of the sensory evidence. I cause “this magic moment”, in which I define what is.

Awareness of my sensory experience – hearing, touching and being touched by wind, skin, bark, blueness of the sky, muscle torsion etc  belongs to what can be spoken of as “the witness”. The witness is me looking at my experience and reflecting on it, enjoying it, weaving little stories about it, delighting in the stories i weave about it. This witness is my Inner Dimension. It is Outer – in that it is formed from sensations which are not it. The witness is that which is witnessing that which is. It is a unified field and also an individual experience of universal and unique sensations. Paradox is a necessary element of this thought. Paradox is this: spirit/witness/ ideas of divinity are not separate from the being thinking and witnessing and feeling them. The human being  is uniquely individual and also a  repetition of matter becoming a life form. A human can be a uniquely aware expression of consciousness in time and outside of time.

This moment becomes magic when we realise our death will bring an end to our ego awareness. I am econiche and individual; idea and matter; pattern and energy awareness. I am paradoxically a stupid little ego in a bag of skin and also consciousness itself as my awareness. If I am this – what realms of possibility are open to me?? the stories i tell myself create my potential. We must get the healing done and we are trying so hard to do that.

Thanatos means both “death” and “death fascination” .
This is an interesting point that is lost when we only speak English.We appear to be a suicidal species. I want to change this, starting here.
We became human when we started to bury our dead.
This is an anthropological and ethnological statement.  It is necessarily anthropocentric. We are the story tellers. We are not the only species to bury or mourn our dead. Consciousness can know itself to be one in all its forms, and can see itself dying as this ecological niche, with the nostalgia each human feels as we too become aware.
Elephants, dolphins and the rest of them are consciousness causal of its inner dimension.
Consciousness is awareness of sensation and of a being which is aware. All life is “aware” – flowers turn to the sun, creatures move away from recognisable harms.
We never die because we are consciousness participating in the imaginative creative dimension. We are consciousness.  We participate in the imaginative, creative dimension – or not.
I am consciousness. i am the life force aware of itself as me. I am aware that I , consciousness, became life when water rubbed against rock and created stromatolites; or chemicals in the ocean waters formed structures called chemo auto trophs. These early forms of life were digestive tracts and that is what we are – a complex digestive tract.
i sing hosannas in the unity of my experience.
This is a joyous awareness for me, and utterly ho hum to some others. It is impossible to experience for those who cannot experience it. Those who remain closed to this sort of awareness have chosen that path which is their right. I want to offer recognition of this awareness to others who recognise the significance of such words as “i am” . I am logos. I am my story telling self. The stories i tell myself create my world. I see my god self telling this story in so many ways and so many voices and that excites me, makes me feel like i am contributing to a growing understanding that a science which denies spirit is killing us all.
My friend spoke of two people she had known, who simply starved themselves to death. I can see the possibility of that. It would be a chosen path and an awareness of the totality of life. She said there is a state of euphoria which is reached after the hunger has ceased.
It is only the ego that dies. When we don’t identify with merely the ego in a bag of skin we have access to a delight and joy that could be said to be eternal ( outside of time) and everhere, everywhere.
We die. This econiche is dying. Polar bears and large mammals die with us. Dinosaurs died. Consciousness has been all of this. That which has been cannot Unbe.

When we separate ourselves from the constant cycle of life and death, when we prioritize human needs over others, when we see ourselves as something more worthy than others, when we value our individuality more than the whole… when we identify with the ego in the bag of skin that will die- we can have fear and hide from that fear by business in our lives. All that lives must die. Larger brained animals recognise this. Life is for rejoicing in this magic moment.
Aborigines speak of three realms. The unborn, the living and the dying, and Dream aka Archetype.
I have studied and find truth in many philosophies or religions. Because of my Christian upbringing, I identify with the Jesus archetype ( a dream of a peaceful man) . B.C. there was no C. (unborn) .Then it lived and died as an individual ( or several whose stories were collated), and now it is an archetype. It says, do what you will – i will not do violence. It says i look for the light in others. It says i do not see hatred and meanness, i see injured souls, i see people in fear, i see people projecting their negative experiences onto others, i love all people and i do not meet  haters. This I say too.  And so when this namby pamby lover was strung up he said, “forgive them, they know not what they do” . I strive to forgive myself, to focus on the positive,  to continue to love and to offer my way of loving being alive.

Thank you for your ears.


My life, our life is our message.

it is 9.02 pm in 2017. This year of our lord our lady and our destiny. We are still here conscious of what is in our minds. That is what we are conscious of.

This is of what I AM conscious. A longing. A need. A desire.
A longing to bring a useful message.
A need to be useful.
A desire to feel fulfilled.

My life, our life is our message.

My use is what it is and I cannot judge that from where i am. I am here in the flesh, the spirit is here and everywhere. It is one throughout time and space. I can only be here where i am, to be useful at the level at which I find myself. On a cosmic level I can see I am doing the work, on a physical level I can see where i am falling so so short.

My fulfillment is surely met in the moment of writing – I am a writer. But what is a writer without an audience?

Who is the audience for whom I write? MYSELF!!

I AM the god self loving itself and longing to share this vision. I AM logos. I am the story I tell myself and this creates my life.

I see that the story is heading towards death, the end of me ( idiot god concept)( ego identity)  and the end of the econiche. The econiche is here where we live with the large mammals. Forty more years of fossil fuels ( that’s about the active functioning lifetime of the new plants being built right now) will absolutely condemn this econiche to unsustainable change and death. I console myself remembering the dinosaurs which once I was, how lovely interesting varied peaceful and predatory coexistant and dominant oh how they were and mostly are no longer. I console myself knowing the lovely polar bears are going extinct for I too in all my uniqueness am heading towards extinction. I console myself leaning against a tree, eyes closed, breathing in and out as the tree breathes out and in, the tree communes I AM HERE. Tree has no fear of tomorrow, tree experiences thinning foliage, low rainfall, dropping branches, but focuses on being here now. That is what I witness when I stand and lean against  a tree with my eyes closed and my cheek against the rough bark.

My fulfillment is these:

to be with friends and students and to manifest the teaching-learning community dreamed of by Margaret Meade on her death bed, as conveyed by her student – Jean Houston;

to “focus on what works” because as Barbara Marx Hubbard says – “what we focus on we get more of.”

I AM fulfilled.

I AM . This is logos, “god” . “God” is a concept created by language to describe that which is greater than us.
God is what is. You are god. I am god. These are the 3 faces of divinity and it is All feminine in me. God is what is: this miraculous universe and our goldilocks earth of which we are the human consciousness arising; You are god – god vocative – an outbreath sigh of delight wonder awe at what is; I AM god/dess, geode, nominative – I am the human consciousness of Earth in one being aware of my human pattern. Biblical ( because raised Christian) . bookish( there are three religions of “the” book , and multiple others ),  Learned and PEACE FULL.

All we need is love. Rock on fellow minds, rock on. And those who follow me, carry the word with you in joy and delight in being. ( Sure there are shit times, but as Eckhart Tolle says, just get used to witnessing the emotion without attachment to anything being different from what is. )

Acceptance is an essential platform from which change can leap in a guided direction.jo

My website  www.elizabethmitchellstudio.com


FB page  Elizabeth Mitchell Studio

Connectivity. Reality and I-mage-ination

This Blog is a selection of writings from this mornings correspondence:

Once we were just organisms that were digestive tracts, now we are a complex digestive tract.

… as for rumpf – i dont even know what madness he’s doing at the borders, apparently he’s dismantled healthcare and given the go ahead to push oil pipelines thru indian lands
exxon mobi has 60% of its reserves ( !!!) in Russia and Putin wanted the sanctions lifted so Russian oil could be developed and so Russia could get the equipment. It’s just a speedy demise. Don’t worry.

Be aware of consciousness. Sun doesnt mind, Earth regrets. We can live in the sunlight and know we are of earth.

All we can do is be the consciousness of earth and sunlight.
It is the same consciousness.

Anticapitalism in the Republicans? i know some have forgotten social responsibility and don’t care to create parks or libraries anymore, others are more awake, but still not lion’s. Not noble. Greedy. I think a protectionist can still be capitalist ( can make a profit) . The fact that isolationism is contrary to the course of evolution may make present capitalist success more difficult. Corporate globalisation on the huge scale needs to be disempowered in my view ( terribly ignorant view). I think, like dinosaurs, the greedcorporates contain the seed of their own demise. The dinosaurs extinction was accompanied by a mass extinction, adaptable ones who could roll with nature’s rules evolved and survived in the post dinosaur era. We are still here. We are the light of the sun and the warmth of Earth, and consciousness in matter, currently in the most complex intelligence yet evolved with incredible and magnificent potential to understand how we are THE intelligence in human form. This too shall pass. We can evolve or die as a species. I FEEL evolution.

This morning i knew that consciousness will be ok because the heat of the sun is not going away and the warmth of Earth’s core is not going away, and that is Love. Love at such a fundamental level. We are in that loving womb, poisoning it as babies do until the greater system tries to get rid of them and the new is born, or one or both aborted.

If what is emergent ( humankind being the latest emergence) does not cohere with the system it will be aborted, sometimes the mother dies too – that’s the ecological niche. We do not know the future but we are also here and part of the baby – the emergent human who is aware that  nature has rules and to flout them has consequences.

We cannot do more than we are doing. I believe  Love for as much as we are able to love, is that which makes life on the surface of this earth. We are always that.

We are our mother’s daughters, our father’s spirit infuses us . Our bro is the sun/son. Family joy is what love thrives upon. The human family does its best through us all.

Anti-capitalist Republicans ? Personally, i believe in the responsible capitalism of my fatherland: my father explained that the one who makes the investment is entitled to the lion’s share of the profit. My father believed in fair wages, workers having shares in the company, in fact in the concept of stakeholders. Although he was still in the era of shareholders. Lions do not waste.
My mother and my motherland knew that taking care of the children of the poor is to take care of the future of the country. I grew up under social capitalism in NZ. It is largely dismantled now. Abuses of the system by rich and poor lead to fear. The powerful protect their own rape and pillage by turning the dissatisfaction of the people against them selves. With us divided, the powerful rule. Even the wealthy in OUR circles are part of the exploited. Their own children’s future is being destroyed along with the future of the children of the poor. I long for the common good to be understood as all our future.

If you like my thoughts please sign up for my blog. If you have any suggestions about how I could be doing ANYTHING better, pls let me know. Can you contact me anyway or sign up with the info this blog format provides? Here’s another bit of info if its needed..my website www.elizabethmitchellstudio.com


Even if she was evil, it is important to recognise the devil. Paradox is. I AM.

The practical world is the world of money that my species has created. Funny that money as coin is called “specie”.  This world came into being as the era of the first peoples and goddess wisdom ended.
This is goddess wisdom:  Earth and all upon it are manifestations as itself of consciousness which is akin to energy.  Energy  vibrates at various levels, the lowest levels are densest – that is the matter which the “specie” species is aware of and sees as resources.
Those of us who are aware, know we are CSNS/energy/YHWH. I am consciousness. I know I am changing form, I know the old will be gone but forever is – it remains as DNA remains. I contribute to Awareness by being aware. This mind of CSNS either ceases to exist as human, as it did w dinosaur, or continues as human in a new form, as dinosaur does in us. The dinosaur smile says “They may say I crapped out as a life form, but no-one can say I didn’t live.”
Try saying I AM god/dess and know that means the consciousness of energy itself in all its manifestations. See the world as a living, communicating being of which “I AM” part, par inter pares. An equal among equals. Delusional in the world “specie” created, LIVING in the world of my mind which IS both inside and outside my head, and dies when I die, yet is “eternally now” (inside and outside of time.)  The world my mind sees is the world I AM creates. I AM Love, humanly imperfect but still trying.


Jumbled Gems. Tyr.

My mind is a treasure house into which gems are dumped without system or sorting. My mind is a gremlin obsessed with making connections and tying things together and leaving them in little piles of like objects , or tied together on a string, or constructed into strange sculptures. These objects litter the surfaces in the treasure house and become covered with dust and more gems randomly landing here and there.
I see so much, have read so much,  have been completely unscholarly and fail to note references. Hypothetical reader, thank you for existing.


one – 1 = being
two – 2 = manifestation and immediately there is
three – 3

Now a material image:
the triangle – eagle , ox, lion and at its apex above the ground the angel – creates a three sided pyramid. Angel comes to earth and 4 is born.

four – 4  the square.   Angel, now human, takes a corner in manifestation along with winged eagle( spirit), ox ( strength power manifestation) and lion ( heart, love, nobility , ideal)

five – 5 . In the hub of the four sided square, Man emerges, rises and creates Pyramids – four sided pyramids. Five apexes of the four sided pyramid represents man with our five fingers and five toes, x2.

Out of the four sided pyramid, making a five apex structure emerges a new emanation from the centre. Now  we find 6, a balance of the original 3, x2.  And out of the hexagon, the 7 emerges etc etc

The system dances among the numbers, the old gods have something to say.


saturday – saturn
sunday – day of the sun
monday – day of the moon
tuesday – Tyrs day  – i reckon Tyr is likely a goddess – a valkyrie reference. Did you ever read When God was a Woman. Or Not in HIs Image – this one gets a bit fanciful and verges off into a male speculation that didnt ring true to me.

Woden, Thor , Freya you know the rest.  wednesday thorsday freyas day

The deities of the south unite with those of the north to create our week.
Once upon a time female was in there, not as a subordinate.


Norse god of war, goddess of Justice . aka Mars- roman god of war,   Martedi is Tuesday in French.   Tyrsday – tuesday.  Tyr – JUSTICE  ( Norse) . Justitia, Sapientia ( Roman goddesses)  – wisdom , legal rules.  The first germanic councils were known as the thing. thing think thought.. This is the human mind working out how to co-exist. Mars consorts with Mammon – the mammary, mother of money. Money is good when it is currency and moving, an instrument of commerce;  bad when it is commodity and held in storage.


I see the connections of all things  – I am pre Babylon, pre fall of Babel’s tower. Bab – the gate…
el – god, elle goddess

I see the connections between all knowledge, all words. There is duality in all things. Too much of any thing is good for nothing – it needs to be tempered by its opposite which is so often hidden. One side of a duality is privileged in our current way, starting with the elevation of male over female, light over dark, etc etc . They co-exist and when one is privileged the whole suffers. Freud described penis envy because in his time no-one envied the vagina. Once woman, the feminine,  was worshipped as the source of life, when Nature was worshipped; when What IS was revered.
Human kind emerged and began to love ourselves more than the whole. We began to love gods made in our image, and forgot we are the human consciousness of What Is worshipping itself in endless hallelujahs of Iration ( creation by the I itself) .

The necessary process of individuation of consciousness, Saturn, the Fall, is reiterated in each human being. We move through 7 levels of consciousness, 7 chakras, towards death. Out of death emerges the new. Goodbye ecological niche, hello unknown flowering of what comes after. Consciousness is forever, it was dinosaurs, it has been polar bears, it has been humans, it has been large mammals – it is all of those still but this era is changing. Ragnarok. the great serpent  has eaten itself and will emerge out of the black hole of all potential blah blah blah

In the pre-written-historic time of the goddess, the male energy was in balance.
In the time of the god, the Saturnian male energy individuated as it always does. Thanatos, death came into the world – along with death wish, also Thanatos. Humans begin to bury their dead.
Sun arose. Son rise .  Day and night – light and dark – duality second chakra.  In cultures with only two words for color, they are always dark and light or black and white, the third word is always red – anthropologists have found this.
Moon awareness, aah horned goddess, the changing of night and day is reiterated in the changing of the moon, and her influence on water, and kidneys. Third chakra.
Then it is Tyr, Regulation, justice, and war to fight down those who are not part of the harmonious system.

Tyr TYR tyr – heart chakra. War has become completely unbalanced in our time and our hearts HURT.  Justice is not considered for those dispossessed.

The days of the week are relatable to the gods and goddesses of old, to the creation of ideas and systems, to the chakras, to evolution, to the big bang and continous creation. It is a glorious jumbled unity in my head, and every day I wake to the bliss of this experience.
CSNS – consciousness , JHWH – tetragrammaton, halelujah; the river runs by the park, the little lizard lies dead on the ground his white belly up, oh little fellow, hello to you in the bardo; my father returned in spirit to my very rational mother and told her “I’m going on”, I see my father’s spirit greeting me as spirit of dead lizard, next maybe he will greet me as angel. I am fulfilling my purpose here. Not as a scholar but as a crazy undisciplined artist who once again has spent time in the pleasure of ideas, rather than the necessary works of the day. One day the shit will hit the fan, hopefully  I will be ready.collage