Tag Archives: evolution

Dreamtime Redux

For Australian aborigines, we enter the realm of Living and Dying at birth. The other realms are Unborn and  Dreaming. The dead are reabsorbed into  Dreaming which is  neither  chronological nor linear.

The vastness of Dreaming is characterized as Rainbow Serpent.
Aborigines in none of their languages have a word for time – it is a concept that doesn’t exist. Daytime, night time, life time, time is passing, I don’t have time, it’s not time yet, it’s not your time, don’t waste my time. Oc course there are words for day, night, life, now, etc.
Linear time does not exist in any material form.There is no yesterday that we can be in, or touch.  There is the awareness in this current moment of other moments and too much focus on them can lead to a lack of awareness of the present moment – the amazing experience of breath and body as they flow within the molecular stream of the environment.
Remember how it is to be a baby – our very  first individual breath taken as a newborn baby is our first step into  individuation, our separation from our previous existence as part of a larger whole. Our ego’s journey begins. We leave  paradise.
Baby does not yet have individual volition for arms and legs, it is still in snake phase, Rainbow Serpent phase. As baby, we absorb and coordinate  knowledge systems without using specific names. The child says what is that? what is that?  and is enculturated in the ways its parents and environment present the world. The language learned, structures the environment. In the adulteration process of becoming an adult – the child learns not to see what the culture does not recognize. “the differential elimination of neuronal connections is the source of sensory experience”. ( sorry , forget where I read that.)
Evolutionarily, living beings responded to and evolved sense organs to experience their environment. Touch is the first and grossest ie most solid experience. Then come hearing, smell and taste, and sight. All is vibration – the great On Off. Day and night are the most primal duality. Sound is a wave that beats on our eardrum, smell and taste result from tiny particles such as pheromones touching our membranes, sight comes to us in the bouncing of refracted waves of light on our retina. Life, the great ON is followed by death, the great OFF.
Aboriginal thought transcends this duality, by its awareness of that which is neither life nor death. Our culture does not have  easy words for this concept and for the most part remains unaware of it. I call it  Cosmic Egg of all Potential.
We are always in it ( Dreaming)  though we live in the realm of  Living and  Dying. The unborn are the individual lives yet to be. Born out of  Dream, the aboriginal is reabsorbed into that ancestor or archetype at death.
What is it that is our individuality? The stick in the stream creates the eddy, a pattern which dissolves with the removal of the stick and the stream keeps flowing.
 Awareness of our human individual death, helped modern man  to break the chains of following the established  pattern. Like the other beautiful and perfect animals of the earth, aborigines  remained within their established ancestral patterns which were enculturated in each one’s tribal Dream, which they learned about verbally as they grew. Modern man is an animal who casts off the rules and the ways of the parents. This  leads to the instability which is a precondition for evolution. Instability is created by overpopulation and changing environment. Modern man, homo sapiens, took upon himself the choice of breaking the rules and ways of the previous generation. Aborigines use their ancestral stories of what we call the Dreamtime, to remain in touch with the ancestral ways. They are bound by the rules that the stories impose upon them, they live lightly in the environment.

When a traditional aborigine dies, their personal name is not spoken again. Aborigines remain aware of where we came from – the Unborn and where we will return – the eternal forms or patterns. When a traditional aborigine dies, their personal name is not spoken again.
The aborigines are aware of the realm of  Living and  Dying. It is where we live. The aborigines remain aware of where we came from – the Unborn and where we will return – the eternal forms or patterns. When a traditional aborigine dies, their personal name is not spoken again.
The earth is evolving. We humans are the self aware consciousness of earth. Now Earth as Ourselves is entering another evolution – becoming aware of its own death. The  global mind  in the global matter is becoming aware that we humans are heading towards our extinction like many species that came before us. The global mind  continues to create awareness of life but not with our linear consciousness if we wipe ourselves out.
Humans who think about matter and energy  are reaching for a different wholeness, an inclusive holarchy.
The conscious ones are the growth cone. Consciousness itself is evolving.
“The growth cone of a root is indistinguishable from the surrounding environment.” ( bad girl – forgets source.)
We are a new growth emerging in these times of chaos and we have a chance to survive and create a new story out of the old. We are fragile and tender. Our survival depends on our recognition of ourself.
One love brothers and sisters.! Lib.    Reprinted from my blog in 2013

In My Head..

Breathing. Inhale two three four. Hold two three four. Exhale two three four. Hold two three four. Inhale two three four. Hold two three four. Exhale two three four. Hold two three four. Inhale…

To consciously halt breathing is to experience a conscious moment of how it is to be dead. Consciousness is still here observing.

I am sitting at the table, my arms resting on a yellow tablecloth. Yellow in 4 second awareness is symbolic of sunshine, of daily gratitude to this breath.

Gratitude opens the door for those who are materially dead to be in our head . I pour myself a gin and 4 seasons highfructosefreee tonic water. My parents are breathing with me. Along with tea, It was mum’s social drink. I also like scotch, and brandy, like my dad. To say “I like scotch and brandy also, like my dad” , would change the meaning.

Who cares about such linguistic punctiliousness these days. Who cares what my Dad drank. Desperately escaping burdens of the day’s requirements. How hard it is for spirit to live in a material body here. Spirit which is eternal finds no difficulty in anything, it is only humans who forget to breathe. Spirit is breath. Spirits relax the natural soul which is burdened here, but must deal with it.

Inspire, inspiration, breathe in breath. Expire, expiration, breath out death. Breathe in life. And hold for a count of four for awareness.

We are spirit here. And those realists who say, “oh shut up already. Just get on with it”, don’t and don’t have to experience the spirit realms where mind, mind has mountains cliffs of fall, sheer no man fathomed…… oh my dead, my beloved are in my head. and on that four count of stopped breath i feel them encouraging me:
“yes yes yes. It is paradise here where we watch without input and it is hell here when thou’rt unhappy. Be Free we say; “Iree”, says Pun, “Free. Freedom itself, freed for each to frame their own concept, their own game.

Breath is spirit. Luscious awareness of light and dark, life and the mark you make. Breath in for four; hold for four; breathe out for four; hold for four; breathe in…..



You’re so in Love…

You’re so in Love …

“It doesn’t matter what you say”, said Karen. “You’re so in love……”
She stopped speaking. I made the namaste gesture and thanked her for her kind words.
It was after Quaker meeting. In the silence of the hour long meeting, people so inspired rise to speak words they feel, after silently considering the matter, have a wider relevance. This spontaneous outpouring of communication is heard and allowed to settle in the silence.
I had spoken of No Separation. Some such effusion as this:
“I AM god. I am what god is and so are you and so are we all. I am the consciousness that observes this marvelous earth. I am one with all life. I am eternally here because eternity is outside of time and ever now. “
I had sat down again. My eyes, closed throughout this speaking, remained tightly shut as my own words echoed in my own head. The living silence restored itself.

Karen, being one of the most excellent people in the world, was a major part of the reason I had started to attend Quaker meeting. I had met her on a protest march in the 90’s and learned about Quaker’s FCNL – the Friends Committee on National Legislation. This citizen lobbying group in Washington DC, present well researched position papers on issues such as why War is not the Answer, the implementation of just solutions for native Americans, effective climate policies and so much more.

About 10% of Quakers are unprogrammed Quakers. That is to say – meetings are silent. There is no preacher. Those who feel so inspired can speak. Sometimes there are several “messages” and sometimes the meeting is a silent meditation. The experience of meditating together can greatly intensify the feeling of being part of that greater whole – the unified mind. The dear and brilliant human mind throughout time.

Later I wondered if Karen had been going to say You’re so in love with yourself – with the affectionate look one might give a ten year old.
Or perhaps she meant You’re so in love with spirit.
Or perhaps she meant You’re so in love with the world.
Nah true?! I might have said with a Jamaican twang – for all those are true.



When I was 28, I landed in Jamaica. I met Pun, a rastaman, who lived with his two daughters, in a one room wooden house on about 1/8 acre in the hills above the town of Lucea. The yard was a slope of hard, swept dirt, separated by vegetation and a gate from the rough track which descended from the winding road through Dias village. DIas consisted of a bar, a sundries store and some other casual window shops where owners would put out vegetables or what other supplies they had been able to get from the market. Sweetened condensed milk, and a golden yellow cheese were the kids favorite supply, but nothing could be relied upon. Locally grown greens, coconuts, bananas, ackee, spring onions, hot peppers and beans supplemented the “chinee rice” for most meals. Ital, cooked without salt, over a wood fire on the ground in the lean-to cook shack, and eaten from a gourd bowl, was memorably delicious.

When thunder rolled, Pun would say “Tell ‘em Jah Jah”. Pun would say, “Jah inna de waterfall” – when we visited beautiful wild Dunn’s River Falls before it was tamed with wooden walk ways, and tourist amenities. “Jah guide!” Pun would call as, I headed off for an adventure. “Give t’anks”, Pun would say in gratitude for every blessing.

One time our motorbike got a flat tire. “Give t’anks” , said Pun. “WHY ?” said I.” This is a pain”. He explained that we dont know what might have been waiting for us had we continued – maybe a truck drive into us, maybe a car taking a corner too wide wipe us out – give t’anks for every little t’ing. Everyt’ing always Iree.

Oh, with Pun, I gained a perspective that completely revivified the moribund Anglican faith I had deserted overnight after getting confirmed at age 13. My secret thoughts of being a nun vanished with first communion. There was nothing there.

“You are de living bible,” said Pun. “You know de trut’ in your heart’.”
“Burn Bible!” said Pun. “Word, sound and power!!”. He would have nothing to do with that book, tho he did not object to me reading it cover to cover. He knew the power of words to create and he believed in freedom.

Isaiah: “Surely God is in thee, there is none else.” God = Jah = O = cosmic egg of all potential, materialising and dematerialising here on earth.

God = Jah = 0

Rasta see Haile Selassi as Lion of Judah – the messiah. Anyone can see that if Haile Selassi is Jah, so am I and so are you.
In the teachings of Buddhism, I learned of non-duality. I see that I AM “god”. I am a little part of everything as the drop is ocean. I am Jesus – in this sense:
The likeness we bear to Jesus is more essential than our notions of him.
~ Lucretia Mott, Quaker. 1793-1880
I think ‘What would Jesus do?” is a great question and it is by this leading that I live.

Humans project our ideas of perfection on to some God figure of our own choosing, or some star, or some ideal notion of a human being. I believe with the atheists and humanists that humans have, what I call divine, potential. That together all our consciousnesses make up the divine godlike consciousness which is beyond our understanding. It has been here on earth since the beginning and is the cosmic “egg of all potential” which is eternal, outside of time, learning to know itself in the mind of human the destroyer; and wombman the creator. Male and female create we ourselves.

“There is something of God in every man, let us affirm it more certainly than ever, but surrounded as we are by millions of new-made graves and with the voices of the hungry and the dispossessed in our ears, let us not easily accept the impious hope that the natural goodness of ourselves is sufficient stuff out of which to fashion a better world.”
~ Gilbert H. Kilpack, 1914-1999

The above quote, returns me to humility. Evolutionarily, humans create their stories of gods and goddesses and these evolve. We need to evolve our story, to know it is a story which can only hint at a greater truth. That truth is coming to light in scientific discoveries – matter is energy, space is not empty, life is a miracle. We do not create matter. We are ( part of) life force – we do not create life. We can destroy ourselves. By destroying our ecological niche which is forever changed by the melting of the ice, we have set ourselves on a challenging course and we will need to tell ourselves a story of peaceful, joyful co-operation to survive. I see it everywhere I choose to look.



Confirmation Bias.

Believing is Seeing. I am 66. I listened to a Ted talk. The speaker asked, Do you want to win the lottery? My answer of course affirmative. The speaker asked, ”do you buy the ticket?”. My answer, “no”. She explained that our belief affects what we do. For the last 40 years, I have tried to write a book. She showed me why I was failing.

Barbara Marx Hubbard says, “What we focus on, we get more of – so focus on what works!!!”
I remain informed about politics, I vote in every election, and work for local candidates but I do not listen to the news of the current insanity which I am unable to affect. I listen to programs about new science, about inventions that ameliorate pollution, that create non-fossil power sources, that solve third world problems one village or one local issue at a time…

I see that humans are destroying nature’s bounties, overfishing the seas, maltreating food animals, cutting down the forests which are the planet’s lungs. I know the human population cannot double and survive the way we are living. I know there will be massive extinctions. I know my body will die.

“There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.” A gift of twentieth century science is the realisation of relativity. Which aspect of ourself is thinking?

In the 16th C, when there was a great overturning of accepted notions, and the global expansion of western thought and hegemony – paradox entered the picture. Western world view absolutely contradicted the first people’s world view. Paradoxically, both are correct within their own frame of reference. The cultural brilliance of the west goes along with an expansionist and exploitative methodology; the natural balance of the first people goes along with a stability that does not lead to a separation from nature and the invention of industrial mechanisation. And in the East, the strength of tradition stifles freedom such as is found in the West.


I believe in evolution. I celebrate evolution. Evolution creates what is new and not before seen. Breathe in and rejoice in being.

chipmunk screaming

Chipmunk Screaming, is an art work of mine.


Positive Vibe Transmission


John 78, Cuban American, owns farmed acreage within the city limits. I often meet him briskly walking his three Jack Russell terriers.
– mangoes this year had flowers that didnt set. We’re done for, all the changes…
Lib 66, artist
– we can say that cos we’re old, but the young cannot say that.
– my doc cannot believe me – i had a triple bypass and i’ve thrown all
but my blood pressure meds away, blood thinners and all that.. I eat a clove ( not a head) of garlic everyday and my cholesterol is perfect now. The drug companies….
– yes my friend on Statins, coumadin – her skin tears and bruises with great red welts at the least little bump. I will share what you told me – this is the knowledge that will help us survive. This is the knowing of the futurepast, how to grow things, how to be healthy.

I drink a tbsp of vinegar every day when cancer thoughts arise. I work on breathing for bloodpressure control cos im sure the drugs are making me stiffer. I do yoga and have so far warded off a second hip replacement. Our faith in our alternative meds is as rewarded as those who trust the allopaths. One day the shit will hit the fan.

I wish for all who rely on healthcare to be able to access it, while I also put my faith in self healing, and the healing mechanism of the body which is one with Earth.

I love electricity and hot baths, while I also know that when the electricity supply is removed we will see and love the stars once more.
I see our culture stifling adaptability and inventiveness in the masses. I see young parents doing their best to encourage it although the school system and the pressure of work for money strongly impede their efforts. I know our culture cannot survive as it is, this is reason to rejoice for it offers opportunity.
I see powerful people making ludicrously terrible decisions which increase horror and destruction. I see myself failing to live up to my own expectations. I can see that although the trajectory is bigger than me, my struggle counts, It may shift the pointer just a hair when combined with all the longing here.

We will not stop the catastrophe, we can work to minimize it and be prepared for it. History is repeating itself – it is time for HERSTORY, Mystery again.

Future is unknown, we create it in this moment. Past is ours to describe – the stories we tell ourselves are creative. It is always the one human story in all its insanity and glory. Right Here Now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hibiscus wild 2.2 This painting is at Baisden Gallery Tampa.

My website – I paint on silk and teach this art to others – http://www.elizabethmitchellstudio.com  More links below to inspirational scientists.

Bruce Lipton   Biologist  – how and why the body is a self-healing mechanism.

I, Lib, see Earth is a body also. Humans are not only a cancer, but also healthy cells. Let us align with health as much as possible.

Barbara Marx Hubbard – evolve the Biblical story – now is the time of knowledge of the ole Apple of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. “Eve” apologises to “God” and “God” apologizes to Eve for overreacting and setting up the temptation in the first place. Of COURSE we are to have knowledge, we need maturity. Now is the time.

I, Lib see these days, we can see and decide for ourselves  what is  “evil” and CHOOSE to heal. It is not about other people; it is about feeling one with all who are part of survival. Haters and greedheads  will go extinct. We just don’t want to go down with them. That is up to us.

Elisabet Sahtoris – Earth, body, family, ecosystem. All is related. Consciousness precedes matter. Eastern science has made a deep exploration of consciousness, the realm within.

I, Lib , see  inner space – and find it to be one with outer space, outside our skin. Only our identification with skin and ego make us feel separate. That is only human. We are also divine.

Inner chi and outer chi are all one Energy.

I see Humans name consciousness and believe it is only ours – only ours cos we name it, like planting a flag on someone else’s land and thereby “owning” it.

Rupert Sheldrake – Morphic fields of Resonance. Everything is connected. Every action and inaction has ripples through the system.

I, Lib,  see that one grain of sand can tip a finely tuned balance. Humanity is in the balance between liberation and desolation – let our lives matter. That is a matter of belief. It is hard to see how “my life matters” when our enculturation is so blind.

Black and white are one organism that names itself and creates its own duality. This is greater than us.  I strive to transcend this othering and that  does not diminish it one bit. Celebrate and be kind. Be tolerant and compassionate when negative vibes come your way – they are a mirror or a shadow of our self and our culture. We decide what is good, and the good love everyone. Love does not mean condoning, love accepts what Already Is  as a platform for change. Love is open to criticism and strives to grow. Love protects itself within its own heart. Our human heart is one with love. Find it there. Namaste, or as we might say – Damas Day.   Women Rise. OK OK OK

Dualism trance-ended.

i am top quark and bottom quark
microcosm and macrocosm
i am a whole made of tiny particles
i am the tiny particle that knows
it is part of a collective whole

i tell myself this stuff and yet i dont listen to myself
i am mystic and rational
my rational mind denies my mystic experience

Humans are feminsasculin. Our minds are all alike in our receptive thoughts, experiences  and feelings; our minds are all unique in our individually lived lives.
My female mind is one across humanity. It is the female experiencing receiving mind ( in two hemispheres of our brains).
Our male mind knows ego. It is unique and active in telling its story and taking actions. Each one of us develops this mind usually pretty firmly by the age of two.

In dio, in god, i.e. knowing all is one and loving it all, because it is oneself.
Indigenous mind; mind of eden planet; loving family, valuing children, respecting each person for their own particular life.

Black and white – polarities of indio/ human mind;
Insofar as we identify ourselves as black or white, with positive and negative connotations,  we fail to recognise ourselves as Indio, the people. One with “god” ie nature and Earth our mother.

This old knowing of the indigenous peoples, is mocked as animism; church religion distorted and co-opted the teachings of the wise. Indios, when introduced to the idea of a loving father god at first accepted it because they knew the experience of living within the embrace of a loving parent. They too were abused. They were named indio, indigenous, aboriginal, by those of the culture which did the mocking and disparaging  and denying of ancient knowing. I am a child of that culture. My rational mind is formed by that culture.
I am of an evolving culture which respects, studies and acclaims indio, indigenous, aboriginal, first people. I too am of this earth and a child of the most high – the sun. I have enough humility to say this, and enough piety to feel awe, and am growing enough self respect to see it through.

Now we who wish to claim our unity as tiny quarks cooperating within a greater whole, as humans in the web of life, rise up and speak. Logos! Word!  We rhyme and blog. We are story tellers, artists.
We are working on becoming conscious to the tiniest quantum wiggle (i name it), and of ourselves as one with the stars, and as ME, hue-man wombman, persona universalis, huomo integralis  in the middle.

Evolving here to prepare for the evolution of our niche, our nest,
death where is thy sting, you are the best.
We get to start again, to play our part again, in the evolving story
in which we know we are ever the glory of the evolving mind
striving to find how to integrate at a higher level
including devil.
My how we recognise him !!!
He is myself; my ego. Please allow me to introduce myself.
All my former lives see through my eyes, all my dead are in my head.

All experience is in my head. “The differential elimination of neuronal connections gives rise to sensory experience.”
Now we know the brain is plastic, we can differentially restore neuronal connections and give rise to an experience of unity, ever greater, ever more successfully communicating with itself.

We are it. Imagination is its play, my lila, the story i tell myself in all its consensual and all its non consensual reality. When i allow myself to see more, to see the whole world as conscious and communicating with me, my visuals and my thoughts united, i see, for example, lightning in distant clouds creating images of electrical activity in a brain. Moon and i are one reflecting and adoring sun.

Stu the Jew devotedly and adoringly loves god who loves him back and thus this hugely hellish experience of human fallibility is given meaning – but only to Stu the Jew. The story evolved. Put “i” in the middle of Jesus and you get Je suis. I AM. Logos . The circle is complete, for those of us who, like Stu the Jew are into the magnificence of Logos pre Babel. That is – it is our delight to create meaning and find coincidences and synchronicities in language. To see the unity underlying all the individual stories and experiences, all the words and worlds.
My rational mind knows this is all blah blah blah and my female mind says,
oy veh! OK. You dont have to try it, but you cant deny it. Consensual, conventional rationality is the basis. We all start there.
waka and biznis district- ceremonial canoe

Ego and God co-arise. Ego ergo “God”.

Ego and God co-arise.

Western science cannot find consciousness /soul /spirit, because it tries to find something measurable.
Eastern science has the underlying vision that consciousness is primary. Consciousness is like the water in which the fish swims. Taken out of the water, it notices the lack. In death, when we are no longer conscious of ourselves as individual, we return to consciousness, which is the field out of which ego arises.

I believe, in death,  we become consciousness,  that out of which every”thing” arises. Thing and think co-arise.
“Do not stand by my grave and weep,
I am not there, i do not sleep.
I  am one with the sun on the houses,
I am the sneeze in the noses of mouses ..…

I attempt to feel THAT consciousness of oneness with everything as much as possible. This makes me a predominantly peaceful, kind, optimistic person.
I am aware of my huge ego here,  and  mountains of self unawareness. These get in the way and are often quite depressing, as I identify with my egolife and its feeling of absolute and utter uselessness. rather than with the consciousness which is in everything including me, including every little ant, every leaf, every life however brief, every eternal winking star whose light is hundreds of years old….they wink in and out as we do.

it is my human consciousness that sees and names these things. It is both miraculous and beautiful and stupid and blind.

I fight my own blindness in the words i write to others, instead of facing it down in myself and knowing how to ditch the goddamned western materialism which denies that which  creates life and love in my life, and offers instead depression and hopelessness, lack of vision and a ridiculous scenario of random assemblage of this beautiful planet, instead of grokking that it is autopoetic, self creating. It has no more idea of what is coming than we do cos we are the ones who think this kind of thought as it.

There is no separation, no spirit but life itself; no god but everything and therefore nothing. ( Nothing useful can be said about everything, other than that it is what is, and we humans name it.) All things are thinks, ideas in human minds, nets laid over  the great flow of atoms.

This writing  is for YOU, reader. My mind feels like it wants the world to get my reasoning, which I have created and absorbed from so many sources in the world. My mind loves to hear its reasoning being talked to you. I am – you are – we are consciousness evolving in the human. No separation you see.

Namaste. double halo



I sit meditatively holding the duck egg. It has two teeth marks in it, a bluish shadow is forming at one of the circular chipped areas. I guess a raccoon tried to get into it before i picked it up, where it lay below the tree, along with other broken eggs and feather down – the tragedy of a duck family that didnt happen.

I sit holding the egg, thinking about the duckling inside which did not get to live;
I am a god being, holding earth and its shell surround of atmosphere, thinking sadly of the potential that will not come to pass, because the ecological niche, the life inside is dying. I AM one with what is, microcosm mirroring macrocosm.

I commune with the potential duckling, I love the feel of the egg. Another artist friend kept an egg for two years;  one day he noticed it vibrating gently, before trails of brown, orange and ochre ooze squeezed out of the shell without breaking it and dripped odorlessly down the outside. He still has it, this slow changing art work. The duckling inside has painted itself outside on the shell.

In the Mandlebrot fractal, the same pattern repeats though there are infinite variations in the repetition.

What will be the fate of Earth?. Earth and life co-arise. Life is inherent in Earth. Humanity will be woken up. We are waking up. We are awake. What art will our species create as we attempt to survive the death of our ecological niche.? In terms of geologic time, and evolutionary time, great temperature shifts happen rarely and we are in a time of unstoppable warming. Subsequently, there is the potential for a reglaciation also – all of it changes the ecological web of life of which we are part irrevocably. We will have to evolve. Or die.

Art and imagination first became humans as we became more than animal though still animal. Art and imagination will help us become wiser than homo sapiens, though still homo sapiens sapiens until we evolve into Persona Integralis. It is happening already. We are all part of the unified human species which knows itself to be one with this Earth and will learn again how to commune with the whole and with each other. Birth can be painful, and often perilous. Not all seeds survive.

My egg will not hatch, but Earth’s human fate is not yet decided. egg

No More War

An End to War.

Arguments are Created by limited vision.

‘You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements – the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution – weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way they could get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.” ― Lawrence M. Krauss, A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing

The beginning of time is the beginning of wombmankind thinking about time. God used to be called Chronos, Time. Chronos ate his children until Rhea, his wife, ( her name has intonations of Rio – river, from Greek, Rheo – stream) saved one, Zeus. The first Olympian. Christianised to God in Paradise.

Greek legends are also humankind’s attempts to explain why and how we are here. Their legends look bad to literal minded Christianity  which sees the Greek  twinned forces as brother and sister. The Christianised human mind sees god or gods as human. Big mistake. Unless we see humans as god.

Quantum physics:
TIme is linear, a stream, a field. Matter is particulate within the stream. Particles and waves are different perspectives on the same moment. Movement – moment. Wave and Particle. Sine wave of potential events – the field, the percentage likelihood of unfolding of events, collapses into the materialised event we see. All other versions may exist in other universes – we will never see them and never know them because we are in this one that we create by our observation in every moment. Consciousness of this is paramount.

Consciousness Is:
Everything and being is conscious with its own level of consciousness. Wombmankind has potential to “grok”  ( intuitively comprehend) all consciousness – a state beyond words to convey. Basically bliss of experience without attachment to human interpretation.
Human consciousness is one incorporate being in many parts. most of which are asleep and fascinated, fascinating with human experience. Other consciousnesses e.g Squirrel consciousness are sub sets, a place where – as in a venn diagram ( wiki info below) – we are able to share some of squirrel consciousness and a lot we cannot. Consciousness is One; the human mind has enormous untapped potential to commune with animals and plants.

That bliss consciousness knows it is energy of Sun, matter of Earth and autopoetic ( self-organising) creative  pattern. This is a trinity.  That consciousness IS aware of itself through countless awarenesses. This consciousness is One. The stars – who died for us so to speak -are Jesus. We are Jesus – we who say this I AM. I AM i.e. totality awareness, the way , the truth, and the light.  Tao is the way, nature’s way. Nothing is wasted, everything has a part to play. Destruction is followed by creation in an endless cycle. The truth – sets us free. All our beliefs are limited stories to help explain that which fascinates some and is considered irrelevant by others. The light – sunlight, shines on all alike, without favor or prejudice, and creates life here with Earth. Energy, matter and Flow( water) . Wombmankind is consciousness becoming aware of itself. Homa sapiens sapientia. Integral wombmanity. Transgendered. Feminasculin. Persona universalis

We are one with our ecological niche which we are causing to evolve at a perilous rate. Consciousness finds this an exciting journey and discovers the future in every moment just as we do.

Predestination belongs to the past – as each moment happens it could happen no other way. Free will belongs to the present moment and that creates the ever unfolding future. We are gods. We are creative and creating.

Venn diagram info from Wiki

The drawing is missing. Imagine two intersecting circles, one orange, one blue with bluish orange in the intersection.

Sets A (creatures with two legs) and B (creatures that can fly)
This example involves two sets, A and B, represented here as coloured circles. The orange circle, set A, represents all living creatures that are two-legged. The blue circle, set B, represents the living creatures that can fly. Each separate type of creature can be imagined as a point somewhere in the diagram. Living creatures that both can fly and have two legs—for example, parrots—are then in both sets, so they correspond to points in the region where the blue and orange circles overlap. That region contains all such and only such living creatures.
Humans and penguins are bipedal, and so are then in the orange circle, but since they cannot fly they appear in the left part of the orange circle, where it does not overlap with the blue circle. Mosquitoes have six legs, and fly, so the point for mosquitoes is in the part of the blue circle that does not overlap with the orange one. Creatures that are not two-legged and cannot fly (for example, whales and spiders) would all be represented by points outside both circles.
The combined region of sets A and B is called the union of A and B, denoted by A ∪ B. The union in this case contains all living creatures that are either two-legged or that can fly (or both).
The region in both A and B, where the two sets overlap, is called the intersection of A and B, denoted by A ∩ B. For example, the intersection of the two sets is not empty, because there are points that represent creatures that are in both the orange and blue circles.

Paradoxically I AM and am not Logos

I am a portal in my own TED talk in paradise, where my many minds sit listening: ancestors, heroes, my dead, pater, mater – seeing through my eye portals  at THIS truth.

‘Always’ is an eternity of Now.  Past present and future co-exist only NOW; constantly arising, constantly falling. Past is not static, past is always growing. Future is always happening NOW. That which does not change is this truth of NOW.

Paradoxically, eternity changes and yet stays the same when we die. Then ( and Now)  it is formed differently in non-human  mind. Non-human mind ( divine mind, or alien mind if you prefer)  includes human mind but is  much more, and can never be defined and delimited.
I AM eternal, divine, alien and human. I know Past Present and Future exist only NOW.     I AM divine as drop is Ocean. God is I AM. This word “god” is as meaningful or meaningless as the mind  conceives it to be.

Thought is a human artifact.  “God” is a thought. God is Logos. Naming is a human propensity.  The totality of god (concept)  is beyond thought, unthinkable. Essentially unable to be defined and delimited. Like eternity and infinity there is always plus one (+1)  which can be added to whatever is adduced as the whole.

Human mind is divine mind. One human is a drop of oceanic bliss polluted more or less by ignorance which goes through phases of development as it is removed from the system. All human’s share a connected consciousness whether we are aware of it or not.

Hate, love, red, square root of minus 1  are intangibles. They exist because we name them. We are creative.
Prima materia,  first material, earth, mother, mater, matter  preexists our naming.
First spirit is life force, evolutionary drive, energy, god, father, pater, pattern.                    The mind stuff, spirit, imagination, god, human mind  is that out of which all material perceptions and conceptions arise.

I am , you are, we are, they are divine human beings, Spirit and Matter  combined. Once rock and water rubbed together and made life, or as Indian knowledge would have it, purusha and prakriti  touched and the universe exploded into being.

Multiple universes and possibilities exist. By our  Free Will choice in the present moment we bring into being the universe in which we live.  All other possible universes collapse for this observer who chose. What was chosen is thus Predestined.  It is what is and can be no other way.  Every choice makes a difference. We are unnecessarily chained by habit and convention. Nothing to lose but our chains, our mind forged manacles.

I live. Go forth and do thou likewise.

Now, let us prey upon our soul.

Sun rose red This morning seeking Luna,
silvered fingernail
pas de
amarillo papillon
jejeune, I pink my way across the grass. PASS.

Desperate, Laughing,
I cry.
I breathe…
so ham

Cloud’s illusions I recall, now:
vertebrae; and skidding halt
of bunnycloud on trail skid
direct across the sky and then another
on collision path
and yet one more comes in to view.
What is that distant point where they converge?
Ever farther out. Earth orbit.

I love thee, sky, and clouds.
Love is not only desirous of identity
but also of multiplicity
starting in duality
which appears two halves of one,
with one witness
one repetItive breath.

My fingers spelled ‘e’ – repetEtive; my mind tried ‘a’ – repetAtive, and had to look it up.
For a moment, I had forgot about “i”.
