Tag Archives: Awareness

No More War

An End to War.

Arguments are Created by limited vision.

‘You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements – the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution – weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way they could get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.” ― Lawrence M. Krauss, A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing

The beginning of time is the beginning of wombmankind thinking about time. God used to be called Chronos, Time. Chronos ate his children until Rhea, his wife, ( her name has intonations of Rio – river, from Greek, Rheo – stream) saved one, Zeus. The first Olympian. Christianised to God in Paradise.

Greek legends are also humankind’s attempts to explain why and how we are here. Their legends look bad to literal minded Christianity  which sees the Greek  twinned forces as brother and sister. The Christianised human mind sees god or gods as human. Big mistake. Unless we see humans as god.

Quantum physics:
TIme is linear, a stream, a field. Matter is particulate within the stream. Particles and waves are different perspectives on the same moment. Movement – moment. Wave and Particle. Sine wave of potential events – the field, the percentage likelihood of unfolding of events, collapses into the materialised event we see. All other versions may exist in other universes – we will never see them and never know them because we are in this one that we create by our observation in every moment. Consciousness of this is paramount.

Consciousness Is:
Everything and being is conscious with its own level of consciousness. Wombmankind has potential to “grok”  ( intuitively comprehend) all consciousness – a state beyond words to convey. Basically bliss of experience without attachment to human interpretation.
Human consciousness is one incorporate being in many parts. most of which are asleep and fascinated, fascinating with human experience. Other consciousnesses e.g Squirrel consciousness are sub sets, a place where – as in a venn diagram ( wiki info below) – we are able to share some of squirrel consciousness and a lot we cannot. Consciousness is One; the human mind has enormous untapped potential to commune with animals and plants.

That bliss consciousness knows it is energy of Sun, matter of Earth and autopoetic ( self-organising) creative  pattern. This is a trinity.  That consciousness IS aware of itself through countless awarenesses. This consciousness is One. The stars – who died for us so to speak -are Jesus. We are Jesus – we who say this I AM. I AM i.e. totality awareness, the way , the truth, and the light.  Tao is the way, nature’s way. Nothing is wasted, everything has a part to play. Destruction is followed by creation in an endless cycle. The truth – sets us free. All our beliefs are limited stories to help explain that which fascinates some and is considered irrelevant by others. The light – sunlight, shines on all alike, without favor or prejudice, and creates life here with Earth. Energy, matter and Flow( water) . Wombmankind is consciousness becoming aware of itself. Homa sapiens sapientia. Integral wombmanity. Transgendered. Feminasculin. Persona universalis

We are one with our ecological niche which we are causing to evolve at a perilous rate. Consciousness finds this an exciting journey and discovers the future in every moment just as we do.

Predestination belongs to the past – as each moment happens it could happen no other way. Free will belongs to the present moment and that creates the ever unfolding future. We are gods. We are creative and creating.

Venn diagram info from Wiki

The drawing is missing. Imagine two intersecting circles, one orange, one blue with bluish orange in the intersection.

Sets A (creatures with two legs) and B (creatures that can fly)
This example involves two sets, A and B, represented here as coloured circles. The orange circle, set A, represents all living creatures that are two-legged. The blue circle, set B, represents the living creatures that can fly. Each separate type of creature can be imagined as a point somewhere in the diagram. Living creatures that both can fly and have two legs—for example, parrots—are then in both sets, so they correspond to points in the region where the blue and orange circles overlap. That region contains all such and only such living creatures.
Humans and penguins are bipedal, and so are then in the orange circle, but since they cannot fly they appear in the left part of the orange circle, where it does not overlap with the blue circle. Mosquitoes have six legs, and fly, so the point for mosquitoes is in the part of the blue circle that does not overlap with the orange one. Creatures that are not two-legged and cannot fly (for example, whales and spiders) would all be represented by points outside both circles.
The combined region of sets A and B is called the union of A and B, denoted by A ∪ B. The union in this case contains all living creatures that are either two-legged or that can fly (or both).
The region in both A and B, where the two sets overlap, is called the intersection of A and B, denoted by A ∩ B. For example, the intersection of the two sets is not empty, because there are points that represent creatures that are in both the orange and blue circles.

On Death and Living : Joy and Sorrow

This past weekend my friend, Judy Dvorak, died. Yes, she is one of “US” . We are all mortal. We all get intimations of mortality. Judy knew this very well. We can only live because this is all we got!!! and what we got is a lot – it is everything in the present moment.
Last night i had a dream vision. I saw a whole lot of tiny owl images like in the tail of a peacock like each one was both a human, an owl, a peacock’s eye. There was a little boy, a woman – emissaries from Venus, there was a table and later a room, and i was telling people what i saw – they werent interested except two people i do not know, I woke singing and remembering Judy, who shared my dream.
Last night my dream showed me this- Judy went through Venus. That is the Black Hole aka Death. She is like a skin cell on a large body of which Venus is part of the skin. Now she is In.
Is this earth the Heart or another part i dont know. But i woke this morning singing, Judy Judy Judy, as i have sung to her in this life. She makes me happy because she “is happy” now – in my head, where my dead are undead. She is the eye in the peacock wing, i am too, and so are you. We are part of a greater wHole. Her physical presence will be greatly missed. Her trace is sweet memory.
We still have to deal with the crap. in other cultures there is and was crap – like freezing weather and broken bones – humans try to fix it – its just we dont see ourselves as part of a whole so we crap on everything else. That is the increasing crap of culture which prioritizes humans over nature, men over women etc. .
When I used to think of a difficult former boyfriend – now dead, and in my head – there were reservoirs of not such great feeling. Those have all dried up. Now he is one of my happy pantheon of dead in my head. When i think of them I am happy, knowing that my memory of them keeps them “alive” – gives them so to speak a window to what is happening on this earth… they are but trace, like cigar smoke.
Their Totality as a cigar with a burning end which went out and the last smoke faded away – Includes Us.
As we die, we long for everyone to live happily today because dying goes along with living. And we return to tell it to life.

Now, let us prey upon our soul.

Sun rose red This morning seeking Luna,
silvered fingernail
pas de
amarillo papillon
jejeune, I pink my way across the grass. PASS.

Desperate, Laughing,
I cry.
I breathe…
so ham

Cloud’s illusions I recall, now:
vertebrae; and skidding halt
of bunnycloud on trail skid
direct across the sky and then another
on collision path
and yet one more comes in to view.
What is that distant point where they converge?
Ever farther out. Earth orbit.

I love thee, sky, and clouds.
Love is not only desirous of identity
but also of multiplicity
starting in duality
which appears two halves of one,
with one witness
one repetItive breath.

My fingers spelled ‘e’ – repetEtive; my mind tried ‘a’ – repetAtive, and had to look it up.
For a moment, I had forgot about “i”.


Morning Matter Pattern.

Thatwhichis kicked off the covers and mewled for sustenance. After some time belly mind wandered towards food source, was scooped and tumbled, cleaned and rebundled and placed where food was present. A few bites satisfied and curiosity mind slipped down to the floor to explore. Consciousness is awareness of what is now.
Thatwhichis awoke to sorrow and regret. Biting through remorse, the body stirred on less than comfortable couch, and mind wished for its own sweet inhabited bed, now banned. The pattern is current and historical. Consciousness is in the system and lacking in the system.
Thatwhichis luxuriated in the hot water. Cooler air outside made bathdeep body unified delight. Slowly land sank beneath surface, mountainous knees simultaneously arising, always a nostril able to breathe air. Hair swirled seaweed in currents created as matter heaved and moved in waters bounded by ice white walls. The system was finite and infinite. Consciousness was in the system but was not the system.
Thatwhichis chirped in the branches and answering calls made soundscape richer. As wind rattled leaves, as sun warmed Earthskin, as moon ceded place, as ice caps melting, as water rising and falling, as witnessed by Time which is not, Consciousness wrote and having writ moved on.

