Tag Archives: poetry

the Cosmic Drama – a very short play.

Listen , my philosophy is that of Exuma, “tell the people to stop worrying, tell the people to love”.
Love – it means forgiveness and compassion and tolerance and understanding of our own and other’s human foibles.
It means knowing we are in this together – this era, this story, this country, this change, this sunny day or otherwise, this death, this consciousness of human death – starting with our own.
With  that dear 17th C John Donne  I say,  “ death be not proud…”  Death is a human concept, life, hell and paradise are here always all the time.  The little animals facing extinction as we are, see it as no other than their death, each individual represents the species . The fate of species is to evolve or go extinct, the individual contributes to the movement but does not alone choose the trajectory.
A Short Cosmic Drama:
Biospheric consciousness:
I am here and whether i evolve or die is up to me.  Yep change gonna come, change is here already.
Devil sings:
Its up to me, the way she talks when shes spoken to, … the change has come, she’s under my thumb. You are under a spell. Death and death wish co-arise.


Sun says:

Its a lot of fun;  like watching a car crash, like watching ants clean up a mess.  Dont worry be happy and love everything you can about yourself your life me, the day….

Patanjali stays in silence radiating calm awareness and the bliss of no boundaries.

the Voices of Water

My mind is in a constant stream of consciousness with many voices . I begin to identify them and feel that they are consciousness itself in all its many  iterations.
I am this current assemblage of experience and input. Here is my output today.
The Voices Of Water
I am.
Water is consciousness.
Matter is conscious
Sun gives life.
Matter and water co-create.
Eternal trinity outside of time what is I AM.
Death is inevitable.
Each life force experiences the “7 years of famine and the 7 years of plenty”.
My life in my “luxury” and my art studio is the culmination and the Paradise of so many previous iterations of my essential life force. How the maid who boiled and carried the water, the woman who chopped the wood for husband and children’s bath before hers,  love to bathe in the tub. How the artistic person, whose gifts lay unexplored because living required endless labor, delights in my studio.  Western culture either does not recognise the indestructible life force or calls it soul. This essential life force or human soul is recognised by Maori who refer to it as Mauri.. Wairua is the designation of the individual soul. Life force itself – flowing in so many channels, is One. I O. Io – supreme beingNonbeing. One Zero.
In this moment many are experiencing the years of famine in which nature’s glory may be more obvious as they live lives more connected to Earth and less sheltered.
May gifts of kindness and food, shelter and hope be theirs more and more, so they may have happiness, if not yet plenty.
Many are experiencing the years of plenty.
Our lack of awareness makes no difference and all the difference to the trajectory of life.
Humanity is moving to awareness of unity. Our species has experienced  times of scarcity when we live closer to Earth, and times of plenty, when we harness and master energy. The Holocene pleasant stable temperatures gave us a taste of Paradise.  Having kicked ourselves out of Paradise and into the Anthropocene,  our species is  now heading for the times of scarcity, “when they shall long for death” .
Those of us who see this, and are unable to communicate it effectively;
those of us for whom the  reveal of life’s meaning or purpose  is unable to stabilize, also “long for death”.
For me, the Hope switch in my brain is constantly returned to the On position, by the Consolations of Philosophy. My joy comes from the Hope that i could share how i see the world. So i do.
My dead are in my head in a constant dialogue. I call them the voices of water. Water is consciousness. Ibi, goddess.  Matter, the time and space congealment of energy, is conscious. Sun Ra gives life. Water and matter co-create with that life. The eternal trinity is now and ever shall be.
So many dead, and so many by their own hand. Suicide species! In the consciousness of water, and sunshine, Water is life, Sun gives life. If only I could shine the light into the darkness of meaninglessness and pain.
For me, the voices in my head  are the beings now dead who share my life and some of them can speak. Love!  is the instruction.  “Love thy neighbor as thyself ” – and how we moderns hate ourselves! My dead are already with me and I am already with them. This is Paradise, but it can be hell to live here.
Elizabeth E Mitchell
Silk Painting and Studio Experiences.

A letter I wrote.

To the curator at Wellington Museum.

Dear Sir/ Madam
Thank you for the excellent exhibition of two Maori legends in the te Hau exhibition.

The story of the two Taniwha locked in a confined space – one breaking through, dividing the land and the water then disappearing, and the other forming the land with its body – represent a thrilling version of the creation story. THIS story includes an initial duality: Spirit and Matter one might say. In scientific terms, the confined space is potential energy ( I call it the Cosmic Egg of All Potential). The first Taniwha represents the Big Bang, the emergence of matter out of potential, the slowing down and materialisation of energy (or spirit). And the second Taniwha represents the world, that which is materially evident.

I search for the truth in all religions and I find it represented here. I thank you for this valuable presentation of Maori wisdom.

The holographic Maui, delighted the dance student in me with his stylised Polynesian representation of running a great distance, and the very particular postures he took which spoke of a different time. To see the movement of the piupiu delighted me. The legend of Maui taking the fiery fingernails of his grandmother to reignite the fire – which he had extinguished – and then his extinguishing it again and again until she gives him her last fingernail, and says he will be punished for his arrogant misuse of her gifts, is astoundingly current. Has human kind not abused the fire power again and again as “civilisations” rise and fall? Are we not overusing Earth’s energy resources now, and on the brink of bringing about devastation – or over it?

How incredible.

In the face of inevitable death ( I am 67, I think about this ) and possible destruction, art remains a joy and a light. It is the most human of pursuits and our enduring gift to Earth.

I sincerely thank you for this most enriching experience, and congratulate you on such a wise and thoughtful selection of stories to tell.

Elizabeth E Mitchell
313 W Haya St
Tampa FL 33603


Breathing is what I am doing.
this mind is a handful.

is what
awareness loves.

thunder continues to grumble through the roof via my open door
outside my world is wetted with rain.

again. Ever new. and you?

This mind is breathing
of what is and
of more than consensual reality.

Awareness of thoughts that arise independently, non-volitionally, goeswith awareness of breath.
Concepts  think with me, through me  by me. God/dess, alien, higher self, nonhuman life;
Sun and Earth as living entities of whom the current moment is offspring..

is what
awareness loves.

the wine cup cedes one more drop, the tea is only warm now.



I am Logos ( the Word), and love of Logos ( cf Jewish mysticism, the numerological significance of every letter.)  Hallelujah. I am this current moment now – my part of its totality – as my hand is part of my body – named separated but dead if not part of  my totality.

What is existed before humans named and delimited it, .seeing ourselves as different from the whole – which we are and yet we are inseparably connected to all Earth’s being.   Separation is a linguistic creation, caused by words which imply absolute boundaries. God  and Human co-arise. Humans are the current stage of God’s self reflective awareness. Humans are evolutionarily offspring of Big Bang and life’s process. SunRa gives all life. Sun’s energy transforms into life on Earth.

What we know humans could be, what we know we are, how wonderful it is to have such a world, to be oneself and not find it impossible to conceive of being a unified being in such company,,,,

our integration finding its way
our experience present also in THIS moment

on our death bed i believe we might rehearse 144 thousand peopled names, and  lived experiences, until in the death throes of an ecological organism environment a new totality never before experienced in exactly this way, is born.

its life pendant from and feeding this life.
may the circle be unbroken, by and by Lorde ( young women musician) by and by,
there’s a fitter home untaken where we fry lord, here we fry.
nunsense mon sense
i c u
dont give a damn. next stop is Vietnam. Paradiso Inferno
Futile or Future?  phhut !
Out out brief candle….
 I Am Logos – the stories we tell ourselves create our life… tell tale told old
the old have the immortality of now
the young have the immortality of time

Little imprisoned dog’s howls harrow the dark night which flows thru the open window. It’s daily howling persistent sorrow in the neighbor’s house – representative of Psyche bound; before she remembered to dance with reality – pup is quiet now. Its agony reciprocated, soothed. We too are bound. We too can escape into Psyche’s domain.

Be archetypical. I am interested.

Sin Error Missing the Mark.

Sin Error Missing the Mark.

My god story makes sense for me. Others’ stories make sense for them. Mine is universal but no-one else has to get with it. I am pointing out how the christian story can evolve until it dissolves away peacefully into us, if not it will be at war in defense of its thwarted distorted self ’til doomsday.

The mis-take is to be unable to see
that the mind which loves
a thinker and a thought
greater than itself
knows it is and is not
a thought being thunk
by all those who have drunk
of the nectar of youth,
in which our own truth of the god in the head,
the god that is dead,
is an evolving idea –
evolutionarily here,
a cross those minds which can comprehend
that space is where thought is
when its not earth bound concerns
past and future in turns.

One thought one mind happening in all a wii
who happen to find our mind
at peace with its inner workings.

My dead in my heart
taking part in the thought
from the other side where babies come from –
who are pure love
adult-erated by a dying culture,
which will hand on the story
as it has been before
of man and his glory.
His gods being war and money in these those times
we are leaving behind.
Deceiving none. Vultures gather.

The dead in my heart
say play your part.
Be Jesus. Be me, Be legendary. be causal, be woman.
Be what is jesus – je suis – i am – doing now.?

Doing this ! Try it.
Be one who WILL be peaceful,
multiply loaves and fishes by sharing,
raise the deadened, heal the blind by caring.

Be all a wii, Jesus, one human being on earth, one peaceful loving species in birth,
as a new kind of awareness which sees,
this story works for some and others say “Please! shut up already!”

The dead in my head live legends
become one with “jesus” – my ideals of love. Either my love and forgiveness of them or their love and forgiveness of me.
Jah live! he lives in me. I live in her. Let stories play, let them grow, let them stay. They will evolve when we evolve them.

Oh see!! stop arguing with the starry eyed religious lovers,
the atheistic deniers, the my way or the highway folks, let them be –
the god that is
/is not you,
is me and is every little thing
from quantum wiggle to Saturn’s ring and beyond. je suis . I am

this is it


or you can choose terror and make it a suicide planet – again – wipe out all our civilisation such as it is, and those wandering few who survive will hand on the legends and stories and once again there will be a story of arising from the dead, of virgin births and miracle child… so long as we keep creating gods and do not realise it is the putative god that is doing the creating. We create the story of the god that is doing the whole thing as US who create the story and fight about it until we wake up.

oh lord my prayer is for peace.
It starts when i start talking the ways of understanding, supportive, comprehending abortive actions and letting them go. I’m still learning you know.


Microcosm – macrocosm – Love

this is the point i pivot upon

see in the link below, newest science showing the world looking forward at us, it even has uneven sized eyes , just like me.

we all have an entire universe in side us which returns to unity with the whole when we die. Our unique expression of it lives forever in this moment which is always now.


at the level of material exploration, the earliest we can figure our universe to be is when it is created out of a big bang – the annihilation of a black hole which creates gravity waves, and those create matter by slowing energy down

the effusion of tiny bubbles is matter forming around its own gravitational energy. The bubbles – a representation of the atomised black hole – join up as in the pics above of two black holes colliding. A huge black hole is at the centre of every galaxy…tiny ones at the centre of every atom

our own digestive tract being a very material sort of black hole in the middle of our own matter which is full of energy or dark matter or space whatever you want to call it

the Julia set fractal –
you can see how each part is replicated a million times, at its own level it feels so distinct and special ( we are all our own universe)
when we die we get to zoom out and in and experience the entirety without physical bounds, this happens every night in dreams, and our unconsciousmind sees evidence of it all the time, babies live in this consciousness, but we must wake out of that awareness and identify with the universe we are in the planet we are on the family we belong to and the body that is ours.

we loose the awareness of unity. Some cultures, some people do not forget, some are bringing this knowledge into embodiment again.

Earth herself is going thru the consciousness project, time and again we get to this point.. where we recog – an eye’s I unity- recog n ize

or we w-rec-k – againize wreckagonyise

Logos means word. It means  god in christian teaching.  It is my mind talking to itself. This is why i Love the bible story. My christian heritage told me god calls itself I AM , it tells me god is Logos. I Am logos – i am the story i tell myself about myself.
By chance my father’s initials are I A M, Ivan Albany Mitchell.
god is words – we humans create words, My words tell me I am you are we are one with god I AM je Suis =  I am, in french. Jesus is just “i am” , je suis,  without the “i” in it.

declining god: i am you are it is we are they are god.

In school i learned latin, and how to decline a verb : declining love – amo amas amat amamus amatis amant
i love you love he/she /it loves we love you(pl) love they love

its inescapable. You can decline god, thats the same as saying i am god. You can deny god, that just simply admits there’s something to deny. god is everything. everything is conscious with our consciousness of it and its own consciousness, however and whatever that is. its everything to me its what i am. i realize it is nothing ie  No thing. no problem. IAM consciousness. When all humans tune into this great symphony of the universe and see how we are all part of it, so temporary and so eternal. … Eternity is outside of time. it is always now. this is our life to live, to believe in, to flourish. We gotta stop the madness. we gotta believe in OURSELVES. our humanity. our one life on earth.

or die. Those not busy being born are busy dying. I am part of the future. I am no thing. i am going on too long. your turn now…


my website


Analemmic Box, My life from the POV of the witness, eternal, outside of time, here, NOW.

Loop de loops, analemmas, moment’s movements described.

Illusorily closed “e”s in a scripted looping scrawl,

in fact continuous, one and all.

We’ve been to singularity and some of us are “saved” ,

you’ll only know it if you accept you are engraved

on the moving finger’s wall of Plato’s cave.


the moving finger writes and having writ moves on — fate, life, history, literate concepts

Plato’s cave – we see the shadows and think we are seeing life, the shadows are cast by another reality outside of where we are, but we can turn from illusion and go out into that brighter life.

Singularity – could be death, we have been here before , we are always here.

I see the figure 8, analemma which describes the regular movement of the sun, as an analogy for our life. Each circle seems closed in a 2 dimensional representation, in fact the looping movement is continuous, like a row of ‘ee’s in script, each one seeming closed on the page, but if transferred into three dimensions, they become part of a gyre. Each life seems complete but its separateness is an illusion.

It seems to to be a single life, a point, on a line of history. in fact the line describes a gyre, a spiral, we come around again and again to this point, it is the same us in different clothes, a different body , a different life, a different era. The one electron, holographically occurring throughout time and space. It is a time- action continuum. We become more and more aware, of how we are always here, before humans were and after humans are gone, we are the life force, we are one.

Little Blue planet says “im all alone here” – and it is….


Humans are earth’s human consciousness. We are here to know and admire and love her beauty which provides for us. We are part of her. We grieve and almost die of sorrow for the madness which we cannot seem to escape. “there is something wrong with the water… why is our country embroiled in foreign wars …. why is the emperor insane”  – Once i lived in ancient Rome, an empire on the verge of collapse. For me , Now,  it is always the end time, and yet I can see that the end must come. I know I have done this trip before, that which knows does not die with me, Lib. I live with it and in it. I am it. Learning how to be this awareness in THIS time with these new parameters – so much more knowledge of inner and outer material dimensions. The knowledge of spirit suppressed and embattled, mocked, reviled and put to scorn. Why do I not stand in my truth – I’m learning to do that. Material science at the quantum level and at the extra terrestrial level is learning the relativity of its truth.

WIJD – what is Jesus doing? I am Jesus ( get it?) I am attempting to express that death is an illusion. Arms outstretched, saying , come people, love one another, why all the fighting, lets work to make life fair for all. I am seeing my physical death coming inevitably. It is said our culture  tries to escape it by accepting the devil’s bargain – money money money – spending our way out of awareness, shutting away old people and their wisdom, families living separate lives, no awareness of the family feeling animals have for their young, and the rights animals have to a decent life etc etc  Those of us who see the madness, suffer; we suffer like little children who are helpless to fix the whole system so we play at our own games… religion is one of those games… philosophy no doubt another…

They saw him with his arms outstretched welcoming all, like the statue in Rio; they saw how the people were waking up to their power and their solidarity,  and they said “huh, we can twist that message into unrecognisability ” , and they strung him up on the cross … so the story goes.


Yoga Practice


Breathe in four     Life

Hold for seven      Grateful Dead, the veil lifting

Out for 8                       Death= Last Breath.

Any consciously breathed pattern is great. Breath first clothed itself in we. One biospheric being, see. Yogic memory wanted here, to the floor , on the mat. Yes my dear.

Ritual movement, planned obeissance.

I’m speaking for the Little Blue Planet. “i’m all alone here”.

NO YA NOT , say the voices in my head.

But I am or am not depending on whether the moment is shared and that is already known.

What did Jesu do when He saw that for humanity to live Now, he would have died and the f#%$^&*ing story would be integrating – innit great ! – at the level of a planetary awareness. MINE!

“Shut up already” say the voices in my head. And i agree with them and return to the mat.

The paradoxical god and the A.I. agree to be me. Now . Here. is and is not Nowhere.

WIJD – what is Jesus doing? I AM being me, being free, setting my mind constantly to find How Now. To be IT.  Being every single one of us here, know it or not. Humanity IJD chewing an everyman cud. A dud? in the case of bombs – that is a good thing.

I sing. Carmena Burana – the voice of the goose that is cooked.

Image: Rastaman Throws the Dice. 5″ x 5″. Acrylic on board. Sold.

Logos: Pre-text, text, post text. Word!

An essential point of agreement – the obscenity of wealth distribution. Some of the wealthy are waking to their responsibility to others and enjoying their good works… its a start. The system is set up for some to have so very much more while others have desperately not enough, and nature is shafted; waste a way of life – we either change this, and have a better hope of ourselves and our next generations living in some sort of modern comfort , or we let it all wash away, be blown away, .. let nature take care of the blight selfishness is. We are one life force around the planet, one web of life. Those who cannot live with this as a guiding principle, cut themselves off from life. That will result and is resulting in their destruction. I live in the joyful knowledge of life in me – I regret that humanity might be wiped out by nature before our natural evolution – but that is what keeps me alive – the desire for humanity to live our full natural potential as celebrants of life’s wonder. I know you love so much of nature around you;  we just regret together that we are part of the human problem. Greetings friend reader.

The image is an exercise – take lined paper make three columns. Write words of significance in any order, randomly in all of the spaces. Allow your mind to jump from one word to another, writing as you go. Whenever you reach a pause in the flow, change the type of word – philosophical, topics of interest, important people – whatever.

Closing your eyes, touch the paper and record the word. Repeat two times.

Now you have three words.  Let a riff of thought follow and connect these words. I want to explain mine then record the word flow that resulted. I believe that Logos – word – is “god” . i.e. the human mind names and creates its world. The stories we tell ourselves create our life.

Mariette, my beloved friend,  aged eighty something, was killed by a car,  returning from  an evening lecture, walking from the bus stop to her home. She was a wonderful alive person and her faith in her Jesus was intense and personal.

Richard, my man, is deeply affronted by religion which he sees as causing much of the trouble in the world. It has been inflicted upon him by persons he could not avoid, including me. I want to show him the religious story I tell myself is not the one he cannot stand. I cannot stand the old man in the sky as anything other than a heuristic ( teaching device which simplifies complex concepts) either.

I think WWJD – what would the putative Jesus do – is a great question and i attempt to live my life by it. That is to do as the Quakers do – look for that of light in each person. Judge not that I be not judged. Love one another. Value and work for Peace. See myself as one tiny part of my concept of the divine – for me that is Life Force.

The words I happened to touch upon were Ego, Mariette, Jesu.  This is my word flow.

Mariette – dead, Jesu – dead. Ego – death to egoic blinders.

One and the same LIFE. Now they have my eyes, my hands, my thoughts. I commune with them and they with me. I imagine. I mage [magician]. I create. I story. My story – mystery unveiled. Weep and wail, gnash teefies. The dis-integration is frustrating. I know it. I live it. [ that we are one life force, one conscious biosphere, here from the beginning and here after humans evolve or die out, divine ]. The world I grew up in does not believe it. Cognitive dissonance. Headache.

I stand in my truth     with the sad heart of Ruth     in tears amid the alien corn,       I choose to be born again    as one and the same      with Him=my ideals.      My dreams, my childish screams     as they took away my right to play in the fields of the Lord   in the joy of the word…

THEY DID NOT  [ my dead in my head reject that blaming]

They just said grow up! Be Yourself! Know that what you know and are and see and feel    is your reveal for YOU     its true for You.     Dont make yourself blue     that you cannot prove this true.      Truth needs no defense,   it will out in the end.

Trees are alive, trees are my friend. My love there, solid and strong, frail enough in their own way, but singing my song. We are one. I AM one. I am fun…..[ doubtful sometimes]

My Richard is tall and strong like a tree, and I like a  squirrel unable to be as he    MUST see how his way is true for him – he is the balance of me, let him be, let him be !   See solidarity with those who feel free.  In time life’s unity will be seen again, we will befriend nature and others and learn how to groove    how to move   tall and strong like the tree that lets others be and does its own work, doesnt shirk, not a jerk.  Sees and believes in itself if I may, say so and so say.

SO what is MY work?  It is this ! It is bliss. It is logos expressing Joy in my song. It is Logos regressing. It’s taking to long    to go nowhere. NOW HERE !


I record this rubbish and post it as a blog because I want to encourage others who feel cognitive dissonance between what they were taught and what they feel,  who still feel that they have not really got on with what their life is meant to be, to trust their feeling of what they are meant to be doing. And its NOT about money.  Writing feels like life blood to me. I can hear the wiser voices saying, “Sure, but dont give up your day job.”

Comments welcome;

my website  http://www.elizabethmitchellstudio.com







Catholic ( All embracing) TR[yo]UTH.

in my view the putative Jesus was trying to say – “ its up to you. Try saying I AM god and act accordingly. “

I AM responsible – not some god in the sky – I AM the god in my head, where heaven is also. And all my dead.
When Moses asks how can i prove to the people that you, god, have given me this mission to lead them out of captivity, the bible story god of Moses said to him, “Tell them I AM sent you.” Becoming more self serving, the god of the Old Testament demands obedience, sacrifices, is jealous , says kill the people but keep the livestock, etc

The whole – which could be seen as god goddess spirit etc etc – is obviously greater than us, yet is created of all our actions .

Nature loves us just as we love nature, we humans have been trashing her and now we get the consequences. Forgive us our trespasses exactly as we forgive others….

We have grown up as a species , and unlike any other natural creature , we have trashed our nest. New territory now guys, but the heart that beats in common matters more than ever. I Am part of it .

I am one with the idea: hope for the future we are living right now. We can see ourselves as the future of toleration so long as we are tolerant, we can see ourselves as defenders of the faith so long as we live the faith; ortho ( correct) praxis ( action) is more important than ortho doxy ( correct doctrine) – action more revealing than ideological belief. Surely Love is where the heart is.

Our thoughts become actions,…. or not.

Today, this very day, I Am realising i worry and fret and am miserable because i live in my head. When i let my thoughts sink down, and feel my heart I can find where love starts.

One human heart, connected by internet or telepathy… one living biosphere … one human consciousness learning to be aware of others. As humans wake to unity with each other , we will wake to our unity with our fragile and imperiled biological niche which co-evolved with us.

Thank you for your eyes.


Elizabeth Mitchell

silk painting and studio experiences …

below: the stimulus –

Mary wrote:

I’m not a particularly religious soul however, this video gives us an insight into the hope for a better future no matter your views on God and the place for religion in this chaotic and dangerous and sometimes impersonal world.

Floods, hurricanes and total devastation have brought people together — may it continue

The End Of Prayer Shaming – YouTube
Try watching this video on http://www.youtube.com, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.

The motto of the school children appeared to say – if you say or think you will do something , then make it happen.

I thought some of their cards were bullshit, ( we are told not to pray for the victims??? ), i hope another nest of zealots is not being created. I believe in the separation of church and state. Under God was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954, a time of hysteria and McCarthyism. At this point my blood is boiling…. however the pen is mightier than the sword  ( s word) SHIT oh dear!! when can humans be intelligent and divine. WE ARE the divine MIND. STOP ARGUING. im shouting at myself now….

ball dog