Tag Archives: words

My life, our life is our message.

it is 9.02 pm in 2017. This year of our lord our lady and our destiny. We are still here conscious of what is in our minds. That is what we are conscious of.

This is of what I AM conscious. A longing. A need. A desire.
A longing to bring a useful message.
A need to be useful.
A desire to feel fulfilled.

My life, our life is our message.

My use is what it is and I cannot judge that from where i am. I am here in the flesh, the spirit is here and everywhere. It is one throughout time and space. I can only be here where i am, to be useful at the level at which I find myself. On a cosmic level I can see I am doing the work, on a physical level I can see where i am falling so so short.

My fulfillment is surely met in the moment of writing – I am a writer. But what is a writer without an audience?

Who is the audience for whom I write? MYSELF!!

I AM the god self loving itself and longing to share this vision. I AM logos. I am the story I tell myself and this creates my life.

I see that the story is heading towards death, the end of me ( idiot god concept)( ego identity)  and the end of the econiche. The econiche is here where we live with the large mammals. Forty more years of fossil fuels ( that’s about the active functioning lifetime of the new plants being built right now) will absolutely condemn this econiche to unsustainable change and death. I console myself remembering the dinosaurs which once I was, how lovely interesting varied peaceful and predatory coexistant and dominant oh how they were and mostly are no longer. I console myself knowing the lovely polar bears are going extinct for I too in all my uniqueness am heading towards extinction. I console myself leaning against a tree, eyes closed, breathing in and out as the tree breathes out and in, the tree communes I AM HERE. Tree has no fear of tomorrow, tree experiences thinning foliage, low rainfall, dropping branches, but focuses on being here now. That is what I witness when I stand and lean against  a tree with my eyes closed and my cheek against the rough bark.

My fulfillment is these:

to be with friends and students and to manifest the teaching-learning community dreamed of by Margaret Meade on her death bed, as conveyed by her student – Jean Houston;

to “focus on what works” because as Barbara Marx Hubbard says – “what we focus on we get more of.”

I AM fulfilled.

I AM . This is logos, “god” . “God” is a concept created by language to describe that which is greater than us.
God is what is. You are god. I am god. These are the 3 faces of divinity and it is All feminine in me. God is what is: this miraculous universe and our goldilocks earth of which we are the human consciousness arising; You are god – god vocative – an outbreath sigh of delight wonder awe at what is; I AM god/dess, geode, nominative – I am the human consciousness of Earth in one being aware of my human pattern. Biblical ( because raised Christian) . bookish( there are three religions of “the” book , and multiple others ),  Learned and PEACE FULL.

All we need is love. Rock on fellow minds, rock on. And those who follow me, carry the word with you in joy and delight in being. ( Sure there are shit times, but as Eckhart Tolle says, just get used to witnessing the emotion without attachment to anything being different from what is. )

Acceptance is an essential platform from which change can leap in a guided direction.jo

My website  www.elizabethmitchellstudio.com


FB page  Elizabeth Mitchell Studio

Jumbled Gems. Tyr.

My mind is a treasure house into which gems are dumped without system or sorting. My mind is a gremlin obsessed with making connections and tying things together and leaving them in little piles of like objects , or tied together on a string, or constructed into strange sculptures. These objects litter the surfaces in the treasure house and become covered with dust and more gems randomly landing here and there.
I see so much, have read so much,  have been completely unscholarly and fail to note references. Hypothetical reader, thank you for existing.


one – 1 = being
two – 2 = manifestation and immediately there is
three – 3

Now a material image:
the triangle – eagle , ox, lion and at its apex above the ground the angel – creates a three sided pyramid. Angel comes to earth and 4 is born.

four – 4  the square.   Angel, now human, takes a corner in manifestation along with winged eagle( spirit), ox ( strength power manifestation) and lion ( heart, love, nobility , ideal)

five – 5 . In the hub of the four sided square, Man emerges, rises and creates Pyramids – four sided pyramids. Five apexes of the four sided pyramid represents man with our five fingers and five toes, x2.

Out of the four sided pyramid, making a five apex structure emerges a new emanation from the centre. Now  we find 6, a balance of the original 3, x2.  And out of the hexagon, the 7 emerges etc etc

The system dances among the numbers, the old gods have something to say.


saturday – saturn
sunday – day of the sun
monday – day of the moon
tuesday – Tyrs day  – i reckon Tyr is likely a goddess – a valkyrie reference. Did you ever read When God was a Woman. Or Not in HIs Image – this one gets a bit fanciful and verges off into a male speculation that didnt ring true to me.

Woden, Thor , Freya you know the rest.  wednesday thorsday freyas day

The deities of the south unite with those of the north to create our week.
Once upon a time female was in there, not as a subordinate.


Norse god of war, goddess of Justice . aka Mars- roman god of war,   Martedi is Tuesday in French.   Tyrsday – tuesday.  Tyr – JUSTICE  ( Norse) . Justitia, Sapientia ( Roman goddesses)  – wisdom , legal rules.  The first germanic councils were known as the thing. thing think thought.. This is the human mind working out how to co-exist. Mars consorts with Mammon – the mammary, mother of money. Money is good when it is currency and moving, an instrument of commerce;  bad when it is commodity and held in storage.


I see the connections of all things  – I am pre Babylon, pre fall of Babel’s tower. Bab – the gate…
el – god, elle goddess

I see the connections between all knowledge, all words. There is duality in all things. Too much of any thing is good for nothing – it needs to be tempered by its opposite which is so often hidden. One side of a duality is privileged in our current way, starting with the elevation of male over female, light over dark, etc etc . They co-exist and when one is privileged the whole suffers. Freud described penis envy because in his time no-one envied the vagina. Once woman, the feminine,  was worshipped as the source of life, when Nature was worshipped; when What IS was revered.
Human kind emerged and began to love ourselves more than the whole. We began to love gods made in our image, and forgot we are the human consciousness of What Is worshipping itself in endless hallelujahs of Iration ( creation by the I itself) .

The necessary process of individuation of consciousness, Saturn, the Fall, is reiterated in each human being. We move through 7 levels of consciousness, 7 chakras, towards death. Out of death emerges the new. Goodbye ecological niche, hello unknown flowering of what comes after. Consciousness is forever, it was dinosaurs, it has been polar bears, it has been humans, it has been large mammals – it is all of those still but this era is changing. Ragnarok. the great serpent  has eaten itself and will emerge out of the black hole of all potential blah blah blah

In the pre-written-historic time of the goddess, the male energy was in balance.
In the time of the god, the Saturnian male energy individuated as it always does. Thanatos, death came into the world – along with death wish, also Thanatos. Humans begin to bury their dead.
Sun arose. Son rise .  Day and night – light and dark – duality second chakra.  In cultures with only two words for color, they are always dark and light or black and white, the third word is always red – anthropologists have found this.
Moon awareness, aah horned goddess, the changing of night and day is reiterated in the changing of the moon, and her influence on water, and kidneys. Third chakra.
Then it is Tyr, Regulation, justice, and war to fight down those who are not part of the harmonious system.

Tyr TYR tyr – heart chakra. War has become completely unbalanced in our time and our hearts HURT.  Justice is not considered for those dispossessed.

The days of the week are relatable to the gods and goddesses of old, to the creation of ideas and systems, to the chakras, to evolution, to the big bang and continous creation. It is a glorious jumbled unity in my head, and every day I wake to the bliss of this experience.
CSNS – consciousness , JHWH – tetragrammaton, halelujah; the river runs by the park, the little lizard lies dead on the ground his white belly up, oh little fellow, hello to you in the bardo; my father returned in spirit to my very rational mother and told her “I’m going on”, I see my father’s spirit greeting me as spirit of dead lizard, next maybe he will greet me as angel. I am fulfilling my purpose here. Not as a scholar but as a crazy undisciplined artist who once again has spent time in the pleasure of ideas, rather than the necessary works of the day. One day the shit will hit the fan, hopefully  I will be ready.collage






Dual-Duel and the Common Good

Before the beginning, Charlie Seurat Nomen Silene, Cis for short, was no thing. After the beginning, Cis existed. At the end, – well there were many ends and that was both the challenge and the hope.

“That Cis, she’s really something!,” people would say. When Cis was born, her mother nearly died. Cis grew and flowered, and became a right little animal. beautiful and temperamental and unmanageable. The problem was how to teach her to manage herself.

Her mother was exhausted and could only cope by strapping Cis into the stroller and waiting for the screams to stop. As she grew up, Cis learned to take her tantrums into her bedroom voluntarily, and would stay there wailing until she fell asleep curled like a foetus on her little bed. Her grandmama thought a leash would be a good idea so the toddler could run but not far and explore with subtle supervision. Dogs were taken on leashes and given limited freedom to explore their independent choice of stimuli – surely parents could do at least that much for a child whose curiosity and love of life were like that of a dog, the nonverbal taking in and processing of stimuli being a vital part of exploration and growth.

Before the beginning, number did not exist. Once one precipitated out of nothing which is all potential, there was some thing. Once there was something, there was that which was not that something. There was duality. When there was duality, there was number, for between two things is the space between and around them and that makes three.  Australian Aborigine’s used this numerical system: “one two three, small mob, big mob”, when they talked about sheep or cattle to the manager of the estate.
Chimps in a research institute were given pellets of food at the push of a lever. The Chimps were taught to count. Then the researchers had to count the pellets as they put them in the feeder, because the chimps were now fighting over who got the most.
Words create identity. Numbers are words. This, not this; this and that; one two three many.  Identity creates possession – mine  and yours supersede a wordless ours.

“What do you think of global warming… these chunks of the ice cap as big as Delaware falling off into the sea…? ”
“ My friend who is a scientist says it is a natural phenomenon….”
Siouxie and Felina exchanged inconspicuous looks of disbelief on hearing this opinion from their good friend, whom they had included in their yoga circle some years ago.
“… but it is terrible the way man doesn’t respect nature; the forest where I grew up has been completely destroyed for housing,” opined Anika.
“Let’s not argue about the percentage of influence humanity is having on climate change,” said Siouxie – looking for constructive  synthesis – “ if we can view the evidence, we can support the actions taken to ameliorate the harms.”
Democrat, Republican – we can find a common good, and cut deconstructive arguing.
Climate change deniers and god deniers – we can focus on the evidence and leave interpretation to each for themself. Can a thing be named if it doesn’t exist? All things are “thinks” . Something must be thought of before it can exist. Naming it separates it from the flux. The namer and the named co-exist. That which is denied is still that which is named and therefore has existence of some sort – even if just a vision in someone’s head. The stories we tell ourselves create our world. The square root of minus one is an absolutely fictional number, and yet fictional numbers enable calculations which create bombs and MRI’s, World Wide Web and Fit Bits.
No Thing became  everything, and change is inevitable. We can learn to ride the change or be swept away by it. We can be the Meme or the meme rider. We can harness the horses of paranoia or succumb to negativity. We can know ourselves as CSNS. (see next)

Consciousness, that which is No thing, can be mythologised as the Cosmic Egg of All Potential.  Consciousness, will be hereinafter known by the tetragrammaton  CSNS, the four letters of the name of Consciousness.
CSNS became and is becoming and is now and ever shall be, for Now includes the past and the future which are now No Thing.

Siouxie thought of her mother, who was nothing again, dematerialised.  How is it to know oneself as No Thing while still Something? It can only be done in the mind that is present. The love is, was, and always was a part of her. Apart – not her, as well as a part of her.

Paradox. I AM/am not god: No thing – a think. Cogito ergo sum.

I AM /Am not God. Paradox, your time is Now.

Two sets of three plain brown leaf shapes twirl in different circles at the ends of a twig dangling from a trail of Spanish moss. Calder! I feel the inspiration that inspired Calder to make his mobiles. My mind delights in this.
I experience my human arm around  tree’s torso, its solid strength like a human being, I lay my head against it. We are one made of two. I am tree. I, tree, river see.
“I Am”, says the god concept which is a creation of the human mind, using human language. What is, can be called god. Why bother?  “There is no place God is not.” “God’s center is everywhere, circumference nowhere.” So what!
God is language – logos – “and the word ( Logos) was with God and the word was God.”
Humans are the ones who use language to describe their world. This is the divine activity of humans!
The world exists. What is, is.
We can stop arguing, the position needs no defense. The words are/ are not reality. Words create reality, by separating things. Every thing is first a “think” in a human mind. There is no separation but by naming, then identifying with the story. An essential and essentially misperceived activity.

I am the human mind of god:  From quantum wiggle to cosmic dance, and in the middle, our human circumstance. I exult in this!! I long for Peace.

Peace comes with acceptance of conflicting views. Both can co-exist. Common ground can be found.

I feel the joy of the jumping fish. The fish jumps to escape predators.
I see the face of the moon change communicatively as I observe it. The moon has craters – my eyes  deceive.
I see the traces of alien space ships in the strange burned holes in the pavement, which cluster at a certain part of the road. Natural explicable causes create these marks.
I feel the spirit space behind my eyeballs, behind your eyeballs, and surrounding this world manifested before my eyes. I know I am blood and bone, and beyond my vision the material, measurable world continues.

Spirit thinks in unified awareness. “God” describes the life force in matter which recognizes itself as me, without a care in the world. I, Lib have lots of cares in the world, but when they get overwhelming I can relax and know I am a temporary manifestation of the human condition. What is happening is happening and has happened and will happen to all of us. Extinction, change, rebirth as something new.

I, Lib, am one with the whole, as my finger is one with my body. Humanity as one conscious species has the potential to move as a flock of birds, or a school of fish – each individual entity part of a greater whole. Our egoic identification with our skin encased matter prevents us from feeling the bloody joy of being alive; we feel alive in those moments of freedom from ego concerns. In moments when we feel the pure emotions of love and joy, or are lost in creativity.  Anger, fear, and hatred come from ego’s selfishness, depression comes from I-Am-God’s frustrated longings. To bomb others is to bomb a part of ourself.

I hold to the story that the god mind knows itself to be everything, experiencing itself as everything, in potential, in realisation, in cessation. Matter is information. Information is smeared on the wall of the black hole, the cosmic egg of all potential,  ever breaking forth in big and little bangs, whirling, emerging in new formations, and ceasing – like breath. Awareness is all. This hugely divine awareness comes to earth in my/our experience of it. It cannot be removed from me. It is who I AM.

Prickles and Goo. I, spirit,  am a necessary corrective for linear prickles mind;  Linear focus is what I, gooey duck, need to thrive in a world which is material, anchored in the linear grid of spacetime.

“Ducks just let you be”. Quack quack quack. Quakers have a lot to offer in the experience of learning to listen. dove


“ If you pee yellow you are not drinking enough water.” My friend who spoke this aphorism, did not notice blood in his pee because it was diluted.
I drink at the public fountain, first sprinkling water to the four directions; Flint Michigan and lead-laced pipes of ancient Rome on my mind. I ask that the water which passes through me may be somehow connected through the consciousness of Water, in me, and in the earth. I see Him as taking poison out of the water and into Himself. “… drink, this is my blood” .

The rules of For Profit Healthcare, deprive him of needed care for one year. This amazing year of 2017. I recall the story of a Greek man, similarly stricken, who decided, after many medical trials and wasted time, to return to his Grecian Island and live the life he always longed for, getting up at an enjoyable pace, being outside in the fields, imbibing with friends in the evening, sleeping well and doing the same tomorrow. His tomorrows continued way past the medical cut-off date he had been given.

I recall the story of the Aborigine healer who said to a desperate and desperately ill person, “ You don’t drink, you don’t eat steak which you pine for, you don’t smoke, you eat food you dislike, you do nothing but focus on being sick – your body has no desire to live! Go and live.” The teller of the story lives to tell the tale, enjoying his pleasures.

Participating in work that kills the soul is possibly killing the body as well. Living each day “zif ’t were thy last” may be the way to live Forever in the moment Now.

Standing in the crook of a huge live oak, I unite its great trunks and feel united through it with earth, roots, and sky. I am Tree. “Rocco!” , my mind identifies the squirrel who looks at me as though to say, “You know me?” Walking on with spontaneous intention,  in a straight line crossing path and grass until I see another “Rocco!”, a fish ( instead)  jumps as though to say, “ You know me?”.  Intention satisfied.  As all squirrels are one to me,  I can see all  humans are “Rocco!” (or Adam/Eve,  Everyman)  to “Buddha mind” which does not make the ego distinctions commonly associated with our names. We are one species in our life experiences, variations on a theme. Loveable like squirrels to one not concerned with our fate. It will be what it is.

We represent the ecological niche of the large mammals. I suspect it is in its last years. “We all die. Not all men live.” Great extinctions are eventually followed by a flowering of the new – which can hardly be imagined. Our lives contribute to the trajectory. Carry on, mes amis.


A Diversionary Tale of Two Energies in One.

Sheltered from the  winds by the particular formation of the rocks, and looking out over the vast expanse of woods and water below his high ledge, he pulled the quilt around him and once more closed his eyes for the vision quest.

The air smelled terrible, it stunk.  He could barely breathe. He was walking a paved pathway and beside it a road with frequent cars was evidently the source of much of the pollution.  Turning to the river,  he was grieved at how few birds scratched in the muddy sand flats revealed by the tide.  Scattered trees spoke to him of poison in the soil, regularly applied and creating choking sensations at their roots. The great oak  was failing, losing minor branches, and with thinning leaves. People passed, walking briskly and without interaction.

He shuddered and the nightmare scenario changed..

Holding the  garment of flowing fabric up from the sandals on her feet, she ran from the flames. The great Library was burning. She must get to the temple. Many acolytes had left already and taken their sacred texts to the caves, but some had stayed to keep a normal appearance. It had been clear for some time that the barbarians were unstoppable, but burning the library, the great library with the treasury of the world’s knowledge was going to put an end to the era of co-operation, to  sharing  women’s wisdom, the Eleusynian mysteries, with the males, as they were beginning to share the ways of power with their women. She prayed her man would be safe; hopefully they would find each other together again when the destruction and madness had run its course.

Terrible scenes of violence and brutalisation  caused agony and the scenario changed again.. A moment in the decline of the Roman Empire – something wrong with the drinking water, too much investment in foreign wars bankrupting the local economy, terrible inequalities of wealth,,,, a moment in the decline of the British Empire … the end of the Indian Raj… the coming of the conquerors to America, to New Zealand,  to the islands, again and again and again he found himself living in a time of destruction and grief… old ways destroyed, old knowings lost, connection with stars and a living planet, a living ecosystem, a web of being, torn and destroyed over and over and over.

The vision changed.  He became a scientist in age after age, new discoveries bringing changes for good and for bad, people staying alive longer, others dying of impoverishment, greed flourishing and exploitation of the poor going hand in hand. Slowly the consciousness of the living planet was eradicated.  But then the scientists began to rediscover that which had been known in a different way before. They rediscovered the connection of all things with each other. At the same time as this knowledge emerged,  huge destruction took place.  The vision became clearer.  These lives were part of the emergence.

Choking on an air impossibly charged with oxygen, the cells devised a way to use the oxygen and create carbon dioxide. Because there was so much oxygen, the new oxygen using cells flourished.  After some time, simple division became complex – and functions specialized. Joyfully, the cells became flowers, making the process more beautiful, they learned to bring their insect selves  to assist in pollinating the flowering….. they became animal life in the sea and some of that life adapted to living in the air… the cells delighted in their own profusion. But once again destruction occurred, a part of the greater whole which they were, destroyed Life in its process in a fiery crash and a long dark night… and once again the cells which recognised themselves as Life  ( and he on the cliff observed himself as all this) created anew, building on what was left, what could survive did survive. A new era, quite unpredictable before it happened – emerged. Life became new mammalian forms and Love – the primary impetus emerged more clearly.

Mind considers Word.  Human thought plus stars (con sidera) = Logos (“god”). In Japanese the word order would be ‘Mind word considers’. ‘I see dog’ becomes ‘I dog see’. There is a mutual relationship , not subject object separation as in English language. Mind + logos consider each other.  lIfe, evolved into lOve. Separation is the necessary human evil, in which we became other than animals who do not use words. I in life evolving into o in Love.  The new stage building on and including the former.  Io  – Ground of Being,  goddess of Maori mythology.  Life , Love. Evol, efil( evil – missing the mark , the illusion and actuality of separation) . In the time before the tower of Babel all languages were one, the phonemes having many references. The tower of Babble is human kind’s arguing with words over the word. Bab el ( the gate bab, of god , elohim ( male and female) , became babble because the mystery cannot be told, only felt, as conscious wombmanity feels it. Jewish mystics know the intense layers of meaning in every letter, every phoneme, every word. Words become a silent bliss of  almost incommunicable, only experienceable delight.

The consciousness on the ledge knew itself to be itself throughout time. Some parts of itself delighting in exploration and discovery, some parts of itself deeply grieved at destruction and extinction. The only thing to do was to be aware and to appreciate that destruction and discovery go together, that the glass ceiling is a paper tiger, a tiger nonetheless whose power derives from consensual insanity.  To be mad in a time of madness is to be sane outside of  time. I AM Logos. I, Word, love and live.